No ring notification (beep signal) about start/end call on Android/IOS Talk

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Some or all of the below information will be requested if it isn’t supplied; for fastest response please provide as much as you can :heart:

Some useful links to gather information about your Nextcloud Talk installation:
Information about Signaling server: /index.php/index.php/settings/admin/talk#signaling_server
Information about TURN server: /index.php/settings/admin/talk#turn_server
Information about STUN server: /index.php/settings/admin/talk#stun_server

Nextcloud version: 27.1.5
Talk Server version:17.1.4
Android Talk version:18.0.1
Android version:12

Custom TURN server configured: yes
Custom STUN server configured: yes

The issue you are facing:

Hello Team!
Not sure if this the problem. When I get a call through Talk on my phone, I can’t figure out when I can talk. No ring notification (beep signal) about start/end call on Android/IOS Talk.
Is it possible to configure it somehow or is it a normal/usually operation of the Talk application?


Hello @SysKeeper