No MIMEType in EXIF data


First of all: I thank you so much for the “memories” app. I wished for such an app since the old “gallery” was disposed off. Wish granted :slight_smile:

In my installation (self hosted, no docker, Nextcloud v28.0.2, Memories v6.2.2), there seems to be a mime type problem. For my many videos, I get this or similar messages in the logs:

"Failed to index file /markus/files/Videothek/Eigene/Bootstag1/mvi_2352.avi: No MIMEType in EXIF data: /markus/files/Videothek/Eigene/Bootstag1/mvi_2352.avi"

The same (at least) for mp4 and webm videos. I had a look at the exif data:

% exiftool Siwa-Ezio-Freya-spielen-mit-Karton/VID_20170606_185600587.mp4 | grep MIME
MIME Type                       : video/mp4

so the tag is there.

I read Mimetypes management and had a look: there’s a mapping for those files:

% grep -e '"\(mp4\|avi\|webm\)"' mimetypemapping.dist.json
        "avi": ["video/x-msvideo"],
        "mp4": ["video/mp4"],
        "webm": ["video/webm"],

But there is not a single mime type alias for a “video” type:

% grep video  mimetypealiases.dist.json && echo found || echo not found
not found

So, I have two questions (for now):

  1. Would it solve the problem to add a mime type alias?
  2. How would that look like?

Thanks a lot for your help :slight_smile:


P.S.: In the examples, I use avi, mp4, webm. That’s because a) I’m a bit lazy and b) the error is just the same.

Hmm, Ping? No Idea, anyone? I can imagine that I’m not the only one with the problem…

I have the same problem and have thousands of error messages in my nextcloud log from this.

Same log messages. In my case, this is relevant

Sure enough, the video files in question on my end are corrupted somehow. Maybe an incomplete upload