My NC is Version 28.0.6.
It’s installed on an Odroid C2. This machine does not support PHP 8.02. I’m aware of the official NC warning concerning PHP version <8.02. My NC worked perfectly until today.
Since today and literally out of the blue I cannot access my domain any longer (Thunderbird Fehler: Netzwerk-Zeitüberschreitung. Beim Verbinden mit
trat ein Fehler auf.), but access via IP is OK. I can access the cloud with putty.
no-ip name and letsencrypt are OK (both appear in all clarity in the error message
Is there any conceivable reason/explanation for this desastrous behaviour?
Thanks for help
if your system is up and running and accessible via IP it must be another problem outside of NC.
Maybe your binding to no-ip died. have you checked that out?
nslookup tells me your actual IP is and it’s somehow connected to no-ip.
Thank you. Yes I have checked this and found no hint of a problem.
Thank you.
Thank you!
After much rumination I found the solition.
My Fritz.Box deactivated port 443 and 80.
That was all. It took a long time to find (with the help of your hint.
Thank you
it was clear that it wasn’t your Server. You said that it wasn’t your no-ip. So it must have been something in between.
FB closing ports? That’s strange behaviour. But well done!
No, my fault - not closed, deactivated! I don’t know why and how.
perhaps you received an automated update for your FB…
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