Nextcloudpi Docker connecting DDNS

i had many problems with the easy installation of ncpi so i did it with docker. I am glad that everything works but idk how do to it with the ddns. It worked in the pasted with the easy installation. I already set it up in my router the port 443 and 80 i also connected my no-ip.
So what should I do now?

Furkan, we need to take this step by step.

From what you read, I assume:

You have your Nextcloud (it does not matter really whether is NextcloudPI or docker) in your home / office network behind router/NAT

You want the Nextcloud to be accessible for your from the Internet

You don’t want to use own domain and/or don’t have static IP address, that’s why you go via DDNS

Are my assumptions correct?

If so, the first thing is gettin it all to work:

  1. can you access Nextcloud locally from your network - we need to make sure docker instance is correctly exposed to your LAN. If ok, next step.
  2. Your router needs to do port forwarding to your Nextcloud IP:Port (not the internal docker port, the one that is exposed). Do this for HTTP first, we will deal with HTTPS later.
  3. Once you did step 2, you should be able to connect to your Nextcloud instance with your router’s external IP:port assigned to you by your ISP
  4. Only now I would start playing around with DDNS and/or TLS traffic.

Make sure the steps 1-3 are in place and you can access your Nextcloud instance via your router’s external IP address, then we can continue.

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Thank you for you responds, i deleted everything i installed nexcloupi with snap everything is working fine but accidentally i wrote my password many times wrong while logging in and now nextcloud blocked my ip but i can acces it with my mobile wifi.
What should i do, should i put it on trusted domains or how can i acces my ddns again from my home Wifi?
And if i should put it on trusted domains which ip should i put.
I am sorry am new in the topic nextcloudpi and linux.
Thank you for your help!