NextcloudPi 12.0.2 Overload


since yesterday after a update, I have some problems with my nextcloud.
My system hangs after few minutes and I have to reboot it.

top - 09:11:41 up 11:50,  1 user,  load average: 9,02, 11,19, 19,17
Tasks: 143 total,   4 running, 139 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 32,2 us, 23,7 sy,  0,0 ni,  1,1 id, 42,9 wa,  0,0 hi,  0,1 si,  0,0 st
KiB Mem:    945516 total,   831796 used,   113720 free,      284 buffers
KiB Swap:   102396 total,   102396 used,        0 free.    30792 cached Mem

6977 www-data  20   0  719796 297204   9368 R 100,0 31,4   0:13.97 php-fpm7.0
6971 www-data  20   0  494520  75168  11704 D 100,0  7,9   0:19.06 php-fpm7.0
40 root      20   0       0      0      0 S 100,0  0,0  39:12.95 kswapd0
6979 www-data  20   0  673012 164648   9672 D  12,5 17,4   0:00.77 php-fpm7.0
   1194 mysql     20   0  633304 120348      0 S  10,9 12,7   5:38.07 mysqld
6982 www-data  20   0  518444  50884   9660 R   9,9  5,4   0:00.38 php-fpm7.0
6980 www-data  20   0  567476  88776   9656 R   8,3  9,4   0:00.46 php-fpm7.0
92 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   4,2  0,0   0:31.68 mmcqd/0
5762 www-data  20   0  448916   4760     16 S   1,3  0,5   0:10.99 apache2
6166 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   1,3  0,0   0:06.71 kworker/0:0

Raspberry Pi 3 / NextcloudPi 12.0.2

try to understand where is the problem with Linux tools:
iotop, nload, htop, dstat, lsof, fuser, …
maybe the problem is not php, maybe the filesystem. (I don’t know, just suppositions)

Problem solved

This i/o wait means that the processes have to wait for data to be written to your hard disk. Setting up caching (redis, database caches) can help to reduce the load on the database (and i/o activity) but there are certainly limits of your hardware.