
目前nextxloud在中国的使用率还是很高的,具体数据不清楚,网页上搜索有好多都在推荐nextcloud。只是nextcloud社区没有中文版,遇到的问题英文看着很吃力,翻译工具翻译的又不全部正确 :sweat_smile:

The question in English: Could we have a Chinese category here?
From your ID, is it said you are from DeepIn Linux?
I knew there is non English support category here already, why do you need a dedicate Chinese category?

你说的是这个板块设置分类标题吗?这只是中文的一个雏形吧,我的意思是有一个中文的板块,能用中文来交流,或者整个社区有调成中文的设置(有点奢望了 :grinning:)毕竟国内的使用者并不都是英文都是这么好,能直接阅读英文论坛的全部内容。(头像昵称使用deepin是因为起的常用的昵称被占用了,deepin的确接触过,小白一个 :rofl:

Non-English Support 🌐 Non-english support - Nextcloud community
I think we should close this thread or move it to Non-English Support category.

For forum language settings, I have no idea.

我的nextcloud好像有些问题,一直没找到解决的方法,例如总是提示后台任务未运行,检查后台作业,依次设置AJAX、Webcron、Cron,错误提示好像一直都存在。https也一直有提示,按中文论坛的设置方法添加语句后nextcloud直接不能启动,去掉https语句,nextcloud又能启动了,问题出在哪?我不知道了 :innocent:
什么又是“无效的加密应用程序私钥…”没设置过程序私钥啊 :sweat_smile:
几乎所有的问题,社区里面都不能使用中文来搜索能用的教程,就算使用翻译工具搜到相关的经验解答,基本都读不通,纯英文也是看不懂 :rofl:

It’s really complicated for me to follow this conversation as I am far from speaking any chinese.

but I wanted to bring your attention to the matter that there already IS a chinese subforum on this forum… and you’re invited to make heavy use of it

so I am gonna transfer this convo there right now.

If I’m allowed to suggest a great online-translator… I’d use… at least the chinese → german/english translations sound/read good. I don’t know about the other way round but I’m hopeful that it’d make perfect sense as well)

Thanks. Jimmy. This is what I want.

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