Nextcloud with tls


I am a new Nextcloud user, not very experienced…

So, I configured my nextcloud server at home in a virtual machine and I took a Dynamic Dns provider, namely “No-ip”.

I have no problem accessing my server in unsecured mode, with port 80, and I would like to be able to do the same with port 443 in tls.

I went through the fora, tried with openssl and let’s encrypt, but I failed.

Not wanting to change domains for now, if I want any user, via the internet, to be able to connect to 443, I must have a real domain name. So I’m stuck unless I take the paid no-ip offer ?

I’m sorry both off you, anyway I love Nextcloud and can’t wait to learn more about this app, thx for all.

I do not use no-ip … i use .

You must allow throw your router the access/forward of port 443 and 80. On your server you must configure Lets Encrypt to access** . Then Lets Encrypt can configure your worldwide dynamic address name thorugh ports 80 and 443.

Read e.g. this (part Lets Encrpypt).

Is there a reason? No ssl-certificates etc.?

At least in the past their domain wasn’t in the public suffix list which means letsencrypts rate limits applies to all subdomains together


However, from the TO’s description is not clear whether the problem occurred during certification issuing or with the server config later on when attempting to connect.

@DamienR could you maybe elaborate?


I’m not a 100% sure. But I think that’s on purpose. I think, if you want to use a domain name from them that is on that list, you have to sign up for a paid subscription. There is also a SSL certificate included in the paid subscription.

I would recommend to register your own domain name. Then you just need to create a CNAME record for “cloud.yourdomain.tld” pointing to “”. That looks nicer and is also cheaper than a subscription with :wink:

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My ports are already open
II don’t think the problem is there ^^

Thanks for all your answers, I will try your solutions, I think you should be fine ^^
I you want, you can close the subject, thx again for all.

No. There is no reason. I never have used this service. I think tls/ssl is with Lets Encrypt possible. I use in Germany and it works.