Nextcloud: virtual files seem don't allows access to external storage


virtual files work fine except when trying to access to an external storage.
can you tell me if it is normal or not ?

Thanks in advance.

From the bug tracker, I didnā€™t find a prominent topic. I found some older one with smb as external storage, but not sure why it was closed:

With your version, operating system and type of external storage, you can perhaps search again the bug tracker for more details, or if you can obtain a specific error message somewhere.

Thanks for your answer.

So, it seem to be a normal: i will investigate my side (by checking and analysis logs).

As, under MacOs, some external vfs external folder was available and some other not, I suspect some timeout issue (also, with iOs client, same things: some folder available, some other not ā€¦)

You have confirmate me that external storage should work under virtual file system (or Iā€™m wrong ?), itā€™is enough for me ā€¦ :slight_smile:

I will learn new stuff during this investigation ā€¦ it is good for the brain !

Kind regards

I havenā€™t found obvious hints that it does not work. However, I didnā€™t try/use/test it myself. VFS on mac was supported much later, there are still a number of issues regarding this feature, so there can be a different issue, or just too few users that it wasnā€™t spotted prominently enough for me.

I donā€™t see any issues with Windows client and ā€œlocal external storageā€ so I would deeper look into

issue finally found: it was some mistake during previous try setting some files on external storage as encrypted: restarting from a fresh install seem solved all problems.

thanks for your comprehension.

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After some try, I finally (really) find the issue:
if a subfolder contains a file with 0xa0 character in itā€™s content, when, the all folder is not available to iOs client.

How to reproduce:
create a folder ā€˜testā€™ with two subfolder ā€˜test/aā€™ and ā€˜test/bā€™:
on iOs client, folder test is well displayed and show folder a and folder b.
now put a with a 0xA0 character in his content in folder ā€˜test/aā€™:
now, on iOs client, folder test is showed empty.
Rename the test/a/ into test/a/ and then, on iOs client, folder test show his two subfolder.

Easy, no ?