Nextcloud version change problem

I’m updating version 26 to 27, when I go to log in I get the message:

If I try to update from terminal:

What did you do before this? How precisely did you trigger the initial code update?

Something is very off about your installation.

Your updater.log may be helpful, particularly from prior Updater runs (well, unless you did a manual update).

yes, I performed the manual update, I downloaded version 27 unpacked in /var/www
and copied the config folder from the old version (previously renamed naxtcloud-old), I’m not at home now, I’ll post the requested file as soon as I can

Okay, that sort of explains some of what you’re seeing.

The updater.phar is the command-line variant of the automatic updater. You do not use it when manually updating. You do, however, use the db upgrader at the end of a manual update (occ upgrade). The process is documented here.

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yes, you are right, updater.par
I used it after receiving error also using:
sudo -u www-data php occ upgrade
I must have confused the lines from the terminal, in the evening I will post the error I received using occ upgrade

file updater.log

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