Nextcloud Talk Windows Desktop Client

Well fds2610 made a really interesting electron project which update regularly :


Awesome, thank you!

Because I want the functionality to change the output channel. This cannot be done in a webbrowser. ie: I use Discord now so I can listen to people talking over my headset and the rest of my audio is over the speakers I have. I can of course change all the audio to the headset, but this is not what I want. Just like teamspeak and every other chat program. There needs to be a function to change input and output channels for audio.

On linux this can be achieved with PulseAudio Volume Control (switch input/output for a application and even a single browser tab).

It seems that for Windows changing the input/output device per app already works (

For chrome a open source extension exists to change input/output per tab:

Of course it would be nice to have this feature in talk itself. Until then the above might help.

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