Nextcloud Talk: Open-source online video conferencing software

Originally published at: Nextcloud Talk: Open-source online video conferencing software - Nextcloud

Finding the right video conferencing software can be a challenge.

You ask yourself, what features do I need?

Can it scale up and still be reliable for my whole company?

In today’s world, we demand only the highest caliber online communication tools to meet our needs.

They need to bring you to the next level and break barriers.

That’s why in this blog, you’ll discover why individuals and businesses alike are turning to Nextcloud Talk for its unmatched features, security and seamless collaboration.

A collaborative video conferencing tool

Nextcloud Talk is an open-source video conferencing and chat application. Designed to keep all your online conversations private, whether by video or chat, all data is kept on your own servers and no data – not even metadata – can be leaked.

The features you need for your meetings:

Video conferencing in Nextcloud offers essential and purposeful features to make video calls optimal.

Nextcloud Talk call presenting

👋 Screen sharing with profile view

Let others in the call see you while you share your screen to foster a more personal encounter.

Nextcloud Talk: Recording consent

🎦 Easy recording

Record your video conferences for record keeping or later use. Before anyone joins the call, a popup to consent for recording is delivered to ensure full transparency to participants. Download and save your recording in your Nextcloud.


👥 Support for large group conferencing

Lots of participants? No problem. Large groups are well-managed and you won’t be able to tell the difference.


🤩 Reactions in calls

Express your feelings in a call to acknowledge someone’s statement, but not go as far as disrupting.


📉 Track call duration and speaker talking times

After one hour, you’ll get a notification that you’ve hit the hour mark so you can stay aware of your time and others’. You’ll also never have to guess how long you’ve been talking, as speaker talking times will be tracked and noted at the end of the call.


📱Available on web and mobile devices

Take video conferencing from your office, home or on mobile with iOS and Android like never before.

Why it works: Integrated with your Nextcloud 🔗

Nextcloud is unique in the sense that everything is connected. You can explore incredible integration capabilities with the rest of your Content Collaboration Platform.

Not sure what that entails?

Nextcloud operates as a one-stop-shop platform integrating its own file storage, email, chat/video platforms and more so you can work efficiently and flexibly.

For example, if you’re in the middle of a call in Nextcloud Talk with a colleague and want to share a proposal your team has been working on, you can open the document directly from the chat sidebar. This is due to Files and Talk being integrated which saves you a lot of time and effort.

The astonishing advantages of Nextcloud operating as a single platform doesn’t stop here – enable hundreds, even thousands, of integration possibilities across all apps with Nextcloud as a Single Platform.

Watch the webinar recording

Prefer to listen? We hosted an entire webinar on the security features of Nextcloud Talk – check it out today!

Watch recording

High Performance Backend

Take it a step further with Nextcloud Talk’s High Performance Backend (HPB).

Designed for larger organizations, Nextcloud Talk’s High Performance Backend offers the capacity, reliability and features enterprises need to conduct their business privately, securely and efficiently.

Unbeatable convenience

  • Dial-in by a phone line to join a call with SIP bridge
  • Conduct large scale webinars, public broadcasting or video conferencing with lobby

As a HPB customer, you will notice improved connection speed and network efficiency after the implementation due to lowering the load from calls on the Nextcloud server.

Why open-source video conferencing

With open-source technology, you have the opportunity to have full reign over your data. Whether you self-host on your own server or use a trusted hosting provider, your communications data happens and remains on your server, unlike popular alternatives like Microsoft Teams or Slack.

This unique protection extends further with our encrypted technologies by even keeping metadata at bay.

Nextcloud Talk chat and video was designed with your privacy in mind

Get in touch

We’re ready to show you what video conferencing can really be like. Try out Nextcloud Talk’s open source software.

Get me Nextcloud Talk

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