Nextcloud Talk for Android v2.0.0beta5 is out!

There will probably not be a beta of the iOS app, but a stable release. Soon.

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It looks like the iOS app only syncs one way? Will this change? Does it sync more then just pictures and videos?

Sorry, this thread is about Talk.

In regards to notifications, @mentions are a great start. 1-1 really needs to notify the recipient as well though. If that is built in it’s not been working in my testing thus far.

Until then I unfortunately can’t swap over yet. I was really hoping to start using this for coordinating with my team for this release.

Device: Google Pixel 2 (8.1.0)
Nextcloud Talk vr 2.0.0

This is related first and most of all to the server. I’ve already filled the bug so we’ll discuss it.

@mario, thanks, I was hopeful it was already noticed but I wasn’t finding it in the forum initially.

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Updated beta 5

Few days ago I use my Sony smart watch, and the push notification also work in the watch, but
I can’t see the content of the message.

That’s expected.

That’s a brilliant idea! :wink:

This will really help my team out. I’d love notifications when someone DM’s me, and the ability to turn off notifications on a busy conversation. I think the default should be notifications on every message, but a back-end admin default switch would be helpful, dependent upon the type and size of your organization.

Most of my communications will be direct messages related to time sensitive production related issues, so notifications on every message for prompt response will be important, and use-ability will be severely impacted without this feature.