and space and/or accents

with my linux client 3.13.0 (mint) i have recently some files which cannot be sync if they have some space in it or accent (é,è…). I don’t think it was the case before but i’m not sure.
The sync is in infinite loop, with permission denied for creating the file (the file is on the web interface)

Here are some sample i found in the logs (not sure if it’s the good part but they are very large now).

2024-05-03 13:41:17:713 [ warning nextcloud.sync.propagator ./src/libsync/owncloudpropagator.cpp:288 ]: Could not complete propagation of “FILE HERE” by OCC::PropagateDownloadFile(0x652a554ddac0) with status OCC::SyncFileItem::NormalError and error: “Permission denied”
2024-05-03 13:41:17:891 [ debug nextcloud.sync.statustracker ./src/libsync/syncfilestatustracker.cpp:286 ] [ OCC::SyncFileStatusTracker::slotItemCompleted ]: Item completed “FILE HERE” OCC::SyncFileItem::NormalError CSyncEnums::CSYNC_INSTRUCTION_NEW
2024-05-03 13:41:17:891 [ warning nextcloud.gui.activity ./src/gui/tray/usermodel.cpp:879 ]: Item “FILE HERE” retrieved resulted in “Permission denied”
2024-05-03 13:41:17:891 [ warning nextcloud.gui.activity ./src/gui/tray/usermodel.cpp:841 ]: Item “FILE HERE” retrieved resulted in error “Permission denied”
2024-05-03 13:41:17:891 [ debug nextcloud.gui.activity ./src/gui/tray/activitylistmodel.cpp:599 ] [ OCC::ActivityListModel::addErrorToActivityList ]: Error successfully added to the notification list: OCC::ActivityListModel::ErrorType::SyncError “FILE HERE” “Permission denied” OCC::SyncResult::Undefined OCC::SyncFileItem::NormalError

Solved by downgrading to 3.4.2.