Nextcloud signaling version incomapatible

So i setup a High Performance Backend according to the tutorial at:

I have all settings configured correct but now the signaling server reports as being incompatible with my version of Talk. the version of the signaling server reports as:

This is what it says in the Talk settings section under High Performance Backend
Error: Running version: 0dcb9f6b2d9629ca4e41e78cd7aa61ff5d80f714; Server needs to be updated to be compatible with this version of Talk

And this when i go to

And when i do signaling -version it says
nextcloud-spreed-signaling version 0dcb9f6b2d9629ca4e41e78cd7aa61ff5d80f714/gol.15

Any help would be appreciated.

Ubuntu 20.04.1
Nextcloud 23.0.4
PHP 7.4.10
PostgreSQL 10.21


the version in this case refers to a commit from august 2020 (Unregister / remove subscriber if reconnection didn't work. ¡ strukturag/nextcloud-spreed-signaling@0dcb9f6 ¡ GitHub).
The latest commit is a few hours old. Did you clone the repository just yet or is this a old clone?
When you enter /opt/nextcloud-spreed-signaling/ can you run git status and check if you’re using the master branch?

You can also try a released version: Releases ¡ strukturag/nextcloud-spreed-signaling ¡ GitHub

Hi SysKeeper,
Thanks for the quick reply.

I did this exact command:

git clone

The output of git status from the /opt/nextcloud-spreed-signaling/ directory is:

Your branche is up to date with ‘origin/master’

Changes not staged for commit:
(use “git add …” to update what will be committed)
(use “git restore …” to discard changes in working directory)
modified: go.mod

Untracked files:
(use “git add …” to include what will be committed)
tat -tulpen | grep 8080

no changes added to commit (use “git add” and/or “git commit -a”)

Hm. Can you run git log -n 1 to see the last commit? I just did a clone and the output looks like this

$ git log -n 1
commit 79532954da7bb5c255deb6dac03d6190baa82f17 (HEAD -> master, origin/master,                                                                                                              origin/HEAD)
Author: Joachim Bauch <>
Date:   Wed Jun 15 09:12:21 2022 +0200

    readme: Update link to documentation.

Another thing would be to do a git pull to make sure you’re really up to date, in my case that results in

$ git pull
Already up to date.

After the git pull command i get the following when i do git log -n 1:

commit 79532954da7bb5c255deb6dac03d6190baa82f17 (HEAD -> master, origin/master,                                                                                                              origin/HEAD)
Author: Joachim Bauch <>
Date:   Wed Jun 15 09:12:21 2022 +0200

Which is exactly the same as you get. Also after another git pull i also get already up to date.

However the error in the Nextcloud Talk settings is still the exact same as well as the output of signaling -version etc.

After pulling the latest version you need to rebuild the signaling server (see step 5 from your linked howto)

Yeah i thought of that but when i did make build i got the output below.
I update golang to 1.17 because of that but that didn’t change anything.

mkdir -p "/opt/nextcloud-spreed-signaling/bin"
/usr/bin/go build -ldflags '-X main.version=79532954da7bb5c255deb6dac03d6190baa82f17' -o "/opt/next
c loud-spreed-s igna ling/bin"/s igna ling . /server/ ...
/root/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: tls
/root/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: tls
/root/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: tls
/root/go/pkg/mod/ undefined: tls
note: module requires Go 1.16
/root/go/pkg/mod/ r.FillBytes undefined
(type *big. Int has no field or method F illBytes)
/root/go/pkg/mod/ s.FillBytes undefined
(type *big. Int has no field or method F illBytes)
/root/go/pkg/mod/ unde
fined: os.ErrDeadlineExceeded
note: module requires Go 1.17
/root/go/pkg/mod/ nc.current.url.Redacted undefin
ed (type *Url.URL has no field or method Redacted)
note: module requires Go 1.16
make: *** [Makefile: 110: server J Error 2

As the build process complains about required Go version, I guess the update to golang 1.17 didn’t succeed or it still uses the wrong golang?

Hi SysKeeper,

Thanks for the help.
I managed to solve this.
i now get: OK: Running version: 79532954da7bb5c255deb6dac03d6190baa82f17
Even after installing go 1.17 it was still using 1.13.
After apt-get remove golang-1.13 the system automatically installed version1.18.
With that the make build command succeeded succesfully.

Thanks very much for pointing me in the right direction.

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