Nextcloud Signaling Backend - Failed to establish signaling connection

Sachlage: Ich habe einen Nextcloud Server (Version Nextcloud Hub II, 23.0.0), sowie einen frisch eingerichteten Backendserver für die Talk-App über Docker Compose wie in diesem Text beschrieben: How to Install Nextcloud Talk High Performance Backend with Stun/Turnserver on Ubuntu – Markus’ Blog (

Dazu habe ich die neuste Version (0.6.0) verwendet. Die Einrichtung hat geklappt und Turn, Stun und Backend geben unter Settings → Talk in Nextcloud alle eine positive Rückmeldung. Nach Speichern der Settings, wenn ich also auf einen meiner Chats gehe, kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:

“Failed to establish signaling connection. Something might be wrong in the signaling server configuration”

Ich habe bereits probiert eine vorherige version (0.4.0) zu verwenden, selbes Ergebnis. Ich weiß an dieser Stelle nicht mehr weiter und frage mich woran es liegt, dass Nextcloud keine Verbindung zu meinem Backendserver findet. Meine server.conf:

IP and port to listen on for HTTP requests.
# Comment line to disable the listener.
listen =

# HTTP socket read timeout in seconds.
readtimeout = 15

# HTTP socket write timeout in seconds.
writetimeout = 15

# IP and port to listen on for HTTPS requests.
# Comment line to disable the listener.
#listen =

# HTTPS socket read timeout in seconds.
#readtimeout = 15

# HTTPS socket write timeout in seconds.
#writetimeout = 15

# Certificate / private key to use for the HTTPS server.
#certificate = /etc/nginx/ssl/server.crt
#key = /etc/nginx/ssl/server.key

# Set to "true" to install pprof debug handlers.
# See "" for further information.
debug = false

# Set to "true" to allow subscribing any streams. This is insecure and should
# only be enabled for testing. By default only streams of users in the same
# room and call can be subscribed.
#allowsubscribeany = false

# Secret value used to generate checksums of sessions. This should be a random
# string of 32 or 64 bytes.
hashkey = mein hash key

# Optional key for encrypting data in the sessions. Must be either 16, 24 or
# 32 bytes.
# If no key is specified, data will not be encrypted (not recommended).
blockkey = mein block key
# Shared secret for connections from internal clients. This must be the same
# value as configured in the respective internal services.
#internalsecret =  0

# Comma-separated list of backend ids from which clients are allowed to connect
# from. Each backend will have isolated rooms, i.e. clients connecting to room
# "abc12345" on backend 1 will be in a different room than clients connected to
# a room with the same name on backend 2. Also sessions connected from different
# backends will not be able to communicate with each other.
backends = backend-1

# Allow any hostname as backend endpoint. This is extremely insecure and should
# only be used while running the benchmark client against the server.
allowall = false

# Common shared secret for requests from and to the backend servers if
# "allowall" is enabled. This must be the same value as configured in the
# Nextcloud admin ui.
#secret = the-shared-secret

# Timeout in seconds for requests to the backend.
timeout = 10

# Maximum number of concurrent backend connections per host.
connectionsperhost = 8

# If set to "true", certificate validation of backend endpoints will be skipped.
# This should only be enabled during development, e.g. to work with self-signed
# certificates.
#skipverify = false

# Backend configurations as defined in the "[backend]" section above. The
# section names must match the ids used in "backends" above.
# URL of the Nextcloud instance
url = meine nextcloud domain
# Shared secret for requests from and to the backend servers. This must be the
# same value as configured in the Nextcloud admin ui.
secret = mein shared secret

# Limit the number of sessions that are allowed to connect to this backend.
# Omit or set to 0 to not limit the number of sessions.
#sessionlimit = 10

# The maximum bitrate per publishing stream (in bits per second).
# Defaults to the maximum bitrate configured for the proxy / MCU.
#maxstreambitrate = 1048576

# The maximum bitrate per screensharing stream (in bits per second).
# Defaults to the maximum bitrate configured for the proxy / MCU.
#maxscreenbitrate = 2097152

# URL of the Nextcloud instance
#url = https://cloud.otherdomain.invalid

# Shared secret for requests from and to the backend servers. This must be the
# same value as configured in the Nextcloud admin ui.
#secret = the-shared-secret

# Url of NATS backend to use. This can also be a list of URLs to connect to
# multiple backends. For local development, this can be set to ":loopback:"
# to process NATS messages internally instead of sending them through an
# external NATS backend.
url = nats://localhost:4222

# The type of the MCU to use. Currently only "janus" and "proxy" are supported.
# Leave empty to disable MCU functionality.
type = janus

# For type "janus": the URL to the websocket endpoint of the MCU server.
# For type "proxy": a space-separated list of proxy URLs to connect to.
url = ws://localhost:8188

# The maximum bitrate per publishing stream (in bits per second).
# Defaults to 1 mbit/sec.
# For type "proxy": will be capped to the maximum bitrate configured at the
# proxy server that is used.
#maxstreambitrate = 1048576

# The maximum bitrate per screensharing stream (in bits per second).
# Default is 2 mbit/sec.
# For type "proxy": will be capped to the maximum bitrate configured at the
# proxy server that is used.
#maxscreenbitrate = 2097152

# For type "proxy": timeout in seconds for requests to the proxy server.
#proxytimeout = 2

# For type "proxy": type of URL configuration for proxy servers.
# Defaults to "static".
# Possible values:
# - static: A space-separated list of proxy URLs is given in the "url" option.
# - etcd: Proxy URLs are retrieved from an etcd cluster (see below).
#urltype = static

# If set to "true", certificate validation of proxy servers will be skipped.
# This should only be enabled during development, e.g. to work with self-signed
# certificates.
#skipverify = false

# For type "proxy": the id of the token to use when connecting to proxy servers.
#token_id = server1

# For type "proxy": the private key for the configured token id to use when
# connecting to proxy servers.
#token_key = privkey.pem

# For url type "etcd": Comma-separated list of static etcd endpoints to
# connect to.
#endpoints =,,

# For url type "etcd": Options to perform endpoint discovery through DNS SRV.
# Only used if no endpoints are configured manually.
#discoverysrv =
#discoveryservice = foo

# For url type "etcd": Path to private key, client certificate and CA
# certificate if TLS authentication should be used.
#clientkey = /path/to/etcd-client.key
#clientcert = /path/to/etcd-client.crt
#cacert = /path/to/etcd-ca.crt

# For url type "etcd": Key prefix of MCU proxy entries. All keys below will be
# watched and assumed to contain a JSON document. The entry "address" from this
# document will be used as proxy URL, other contents in the document will be
# ignored.
# Example:
# "/signaling/proxy/server/one" -> {"address": "https://proxy1.domain.invalid"}
# "/signaling/proxy/server/two" -> {"address": "https://proxy2.domain.invalid"}
#keyprefix = /signaling/proxy/server

# API key that the MCU will need to send when requesting TURN credentials.
apikey = mein api key
# The shared secret to use for generating TURN credentials. This must be the
# same as on the TURN server.
secret = mein secret

# A comma-separated list of TURN servers to use. Leave empty to disable the
servers = turn:localhost:3478?transport=udp,turn:localhost:3478?transport=tcp

# License key to use when downloading the MaxMind GeoIP database. You can
# register an account at "" for
# free. See "" for further
# information.
# Leave empty to disable GeoIP lookups.
#license =

# Optional URL to download a MaxMind GeoIP database from. Will be generated if
# "license" is provided above. Can be a "file://" url if a local file should
# be used. Please note that the database must provide a country field when
# looking up IP addresses.
#url =

# Optional overrides for GeoIP lookups. The key is an IP address / range, the
# value the associated country code.
# = DE
# = DE

# Optional overrides for continent mappings. The key is a continent code, the
# value a comma-separated list of continent codes to map the continent to.
# Use European servers for clients in Africa.
#AF = EU
# Use servers in North Africa for clients in South America.
#SA = NA

# Comma-separated list of IP addresses that are allowed to access the stats
# endpoint. Leave empty (or commented) to only allow access from "".
#allowed_ips =

Meine docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'

    build: .
      - ./server.conf:/config/server.conf
    network_mode: host
    restart: unless-stopped
      - nats
      - janus
      - coturn
    image: nats:2.2.1
      - ./gnatsd.conf:/config/gnatsd.conf
    command: ["-c", "/config/gnatsd.conf"]
    network_mode: host
    restart: unless-stopped
    build: docker/janus
    command: ["janus", "--full-trickle"]
    network_mode: host
    restart: unless-stopped
    build: docker/coturn
    network_mode: host
      STATIC_SECRET: mein static secret
    restart: unless-stopped

Meine NGINX conf:

upstream signaling {

server {

    listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
    include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot
    add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; preload";

location /standalone-signaling/ {
        proxy_pass http://signaling/;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

    location /standalone-signaling/spreed {
        proxy_pass http://signaling/spreed;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

server {
    if ($host = {
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    } # managed by Certbot

    listen 80;
    return 404; # managed by Certbot


Der Backend und Cloudserver sind auf 2 unterschiedlichen Servern. Komischerweise klappt Talk über die NC Talk App, nicht aber über jegliche Webbrowser
Ich freue mich über Feedback / Ideen.

Ich hab den Fehler gerade nach Monaten in meiner AIO gefunden

Unter https://your-instance/settings/admin/talk war bei “High-performance backend” etwas eingetragen (“https://your-instance/standalone-server”) - in dem Moment, als das weg war, funktionierte es.

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