Nextcloud proof of concept complications

We have had a successful PoC with running Owncloud 9 in a Ubuntu 14.04 Docker container by means of internal implementation. We predominantly use WebDav and authenticate with LDAP. I have been looking to upgrade this too Nextcloud 10 but have had some issues and could really use some help. We want to stick with Ubuntu because eventually we will be using the commercial support when we head into production.

First of I thought it would be nice to upgrade the container to ubuntu 16.04 so we could use php7 but found that LDAP still requires php5. So I made an test install with ubuntu 14.04 first with the NC10 beta and later with the release client. All seemed well but when I installed the official release I could not connect via WebDav using OSX. This is a big problem. Not only for the proof of concept but we can not take Nextcloud into production if webdav is not stable and supported on OSX.

Further info on this issue see this forum post: NextCloud with WebDAV with Finder on OS X 10.11
This github issue:
and I think this is a related issue:

Besides this we would like to use Redis servers in production but within Ubuntu 14.04 the php module for this is outdated. I could install php5.6 in a Ubuntu 14.04 container. This would in theory allow me to install both the Redis php module and the LDAP php module. But this isn’t a setup I would want for production use. I am hesitant to go with this setup for the internal use / PoC because of this. Simply said it would not be much of a proof of concept if we’re not going to use the same type of install in production.

Is there any documentation on how well php7 and LDAP work within NextCloud? Are there any plans to enable Nextcloud 11 and php7 modules to be made compatible with LDAP and Redis use?

I am unsure where to go from here.
How can I best go about getting support for these issues? Should we buy into enterprise support for this PoC /internal use? Or would it make sense to set a bounty on the webdav/osx and php7/ldap issue on bountysource? Or both.

Our system is
Nextcloud 10 on Ubuntu 16.04.1 with php7 and Redis.

LDAP Authentication is working perfectly.

So why not go for Ubuntu 16.04.1?

But you are right about the OS X/WebDAV issue.
This really ought to be fixed…

Hey Kay,
That is awesome information! Thanks for replying :smiley:
Now I’m a lot more convinced to go for 16.04.1 I just could not find some good info on this. Even tough it wouldn’t be the end of the world if our internal use/PoC Nextcloud 10 setup had any issues it could really cause some significant stress to my colleagues.
How many users use your system?

Yeah the OSX/Webdav issue really is a bummer. Have you used Owncloud before NC? Did you experience any strange file locking issues with osx finder and webdav?

Around 1000 users have access to our NC installation.
But the actual number of people actually using it is around 300.

We did in fact move to NC from OC this August.
We did not experience any strange file locking issues with osx finder and webdav, but I dare say that the combination of finder and webdav is rarely used in our environment.
In our case it’s mostly web browser or sync clients.


We are wokring on an official docker image here:

Would love your feedback!