Nextcloud pi de raspberry pi 4 a pi 5

Tengo intención de comprar Raspberry Pi 5 sabemos si con la misma imagen que tengo instalada en mi Raspberry pi 4 con nextcloudpi funcionaria en Raspberry pi 5 o tendria que hacer algo.

Gracias de antemano.

Sorry for answering in English, I translated your post with deepL.

I googled around a bit, and according to some posts on, it should work, if your Pi4 is already running Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm (Debian 12). In case your Pi is still runing Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye (Debian 11) it won’t boot on a Pi5! You can check which version you’re running with the following command:

cat /etc/os-release

IMPORTANT: NextcloudPi only supports Bullseye/Debian 11, so if you are using NextcloudPi, you will have to wait until they officially support Bookworm, or if you’re brave enough you can help testing the Release Candidate: Debian 12 Bookworm Support · Issue #1730 · nextcloud/nextcloudpi · GitHub


Muchas gracias

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