Nextcloud on AWS ECS (docker) with Cloudformation stack

Hi All,

I recently wrote a piece on medium about running an open source finance program using AWS ECS. I’m doing something similar for next cloud now, and wanted to see if anyone knew of existing stacks that solve this problem.

Specifically, my stack will use AWS Route 53, a mysql serverless RDS & of course docker along with ecs. I’ve run into a couple problems - most recently about mounting docker volumes with the configuration and having it be readable by the www-data.

Before spending more time getting over these humps, I was curious if anyone knew whether there were existing cloudformation stacks that spin up next cloud and run them in a container managed by ecs?

Thanks, much

Do you solve it?

I trying on AWS ECS and RDS, but its confusing

in order to demonstrate applications similar to NextCloud can be operated completely serverless on AWS i published a sample deployment. Feel free to use it: GitHub - aws-samples/aws-serverless-nextcloud: Nextcloud Container Deployment on AWS - 100% Serverless

Keep it mind, even if it is tested, verify completeness before using it in production :slight_smile:

Hope i could help!