Support intro
Sorry to hear you’re facing problems is for home/non-enterprise users. If you’re running a business, paid support can be accessed via where we can ensure your business keeps running smoothly.
In order to help you as quickly as possible, before clicking Create Topic please provide as much of the below as you can. Feel free to use a pastebin service for logs, otherwise either indent short log examples with four spaces:
Or for longer, use three backticks above and below the code snippet:
Some or all of the below information will be requested if it isn’t supplied; for fastest response please provide as much as you can
Nextcloud version (eg, 29.0.5): Nextcloud Hub 8 v29.0.5
Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 24.04): Unraid (Ubuntu) installed via docker
Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25): Unsure
PHP version (eg, 8.3): 8.2.22
The issue you are facing:
I am trying to migrate all of my data from Onedrive to Nextcloud with the aim of entirely replacing microsoft office with Nextcloud. I created a new sync folder on my Laptop and copied all of my Onedrive files to this new Nextcloud folder. It has uploaded only 10% of all the data.
It starts uploading when I force sync and then quickly stops, always because of a video file. The logs seem to indicate an issue with the size of the file not being the same as what was expected. I have attached the logs, I hope this provides more information.
Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): Yes, I just started using Nextcloud for the first time.
Steps to replicate it:
- Force sync.
- Wait a few minutes.
- The error reoccurs.
The output of your Nextcloud log in Admin > Logging:
[no app in context] Error: Expected filesize of 53784368 bytes but read (from Nextcloud client) and wrote (to Nextcloud storage) 52740096 bytes. Could either be a network problem on the sending side or a problem writing to the storage on the server side.
PUT /remote.php/dav/uploads/Ruben40870/4054956025/00001
from 192.168.**.** by Ruben40870 at 22 Aug 2024, 02:53:26
The output of your config.php file in /path/to/nextcloud
(make sure you remove any identifiable information!):
The output of your Apache/nginx/system log in /var/log/____
Output errors in nextcloud.log in /var/www/ or as admin user in top right menu, filtering for errors. Use a pastebin service if necessary.
Any help would be appreciated, I really want Nextcloud to work so that I can replace Office with my own server. Nextcloud looks amazing!