Nextcloud localhost on WSL Ubuntu 20.04 LTS can't log in with android app

Nextcloud version: 20.0.5
Operating system and version: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Apache or nginx version: Apache2
PHP version: 7.04

Issue: I was able to set up nextcloud on localhost through WSL Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, everything worked fine, except that I tried to log in through a different device {ip}/nextcloud and it was giving me a network error, then I tried installing the nextcloud app and attempted to log in, but no luck the error I would get was ‘Server took too long to respond’. So basically I can’t log in from anywhere else but the desktop in which I’m hosting nextcloud.

I have no experience with WSL but I bet the issue is your nextcloud is not exposed outside the Windows system (maybe firewall). try searching MS forum how to make it available to outside world

I reckon that is not supported by WSL.