I have Nextcloud 30.0.3 from linuxserver installed on my Synology NAS (DSM 7.2.1 version 6 (the latest).
It is installed with docker.
The following upgrade from previous to new version has worked several time (until 30.0.3), but I’m now stuck during the upgrade.
Usually, from portainer, I stop the nextcloud container, and leave the nextcloud-db container working. I then open the nextcloud container in portainer, click on duplicate/edit, check if nextcloud:latest is written (which is the case) and then click on “Deploy this container”. Until now, the upgrade has always work. I follow the upgrade with the log and then start again the nextcloud container.
Now, the upgrade is stuck to this windows:
I check the config.php and the maintenance mode is false.
By looking on this forum, I find to try occ:maintenance repair and occ upgrade through terminal using ssh.
The result is the following:
(first command: maintenance:repair before occ upgrade
The problem seems to be linked with the uppush upgrade.
Now, nextcloud is in maintenance mode true. But the problem loop again if I turn it to false.
Any help would be grate!
Best regards,