Nextcloud LINUX client, why not use FUSE?

nextcloud LINUX client, why not use FUSE?

Localy downloaded files can be pass- throuh, not available files will be downloaded first…

Nextcloud is offered as a LAMP stack and offers WebDAV. However, you can use Nextcloud with davfs2 on Linux systems. For pure files (without Nextcloud) I would probably rather use sftp-server and therefore sshfs over the network. This is far more stable than davfs2 to a webservice like Nextcloud. Basically, a web service is worse than a file service. That’s the brave new world.

Basically, you should use the Nextcloud clients e.g. Linux App Image and the browser wherever possible. However, I don’t know exactly how the client works. Maybe someone knows more.

I can use webdav, but file that I modify is sent directly to server and I must wait until it finishes… In windows it is saved to disk and then it is send to server…

Have you tried the Linux Nextcloud client? How does it behave? I use Linux but not the Nextcloud Linux client.

yes, by default everything is downloaded (I dont wanna this on some devices).

There is “experimental” support for virtual files - all files are created with zero size with nextcloud extension. For example:


If this file is missing, doubleclick on file with nextcloud extension is associated with client download and file.pdf is created, then pdf viewer is automatically started.

This is a terrible piece of shit and example how to don’t do things. FUSE would be an elegant way how to do this

I understand the problem, but unfortunately I don’t have a solution either. Personally, I would probably split my Nextcloud into two areas.

a.) Nextcloud client with synchronised files
b.) Sub-area or even another user with access via WebDAV

You do realize that this is a community forum and that we can’t offer you any solutions that don’t exist.

If you have ideas on how to improve the existing solutions, I suggest you go to the respective GitHub repo and see if your suggestion has already been discussed, and if not, open a feature request, or even better, get active and submit a pull request with your solution.

Oh, and whatever you do, I strongly recommend that you do it in a polite manner and mind your language. Nobody owes you anything, neither the community here nor the developers of the desktop client.

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