Nextcloud is there a way to call api function directly to change database value?

Sorry for bothering you guys again, just a simple question is there any way to call a function in app side to change values in database ?
I am using vue js to make my application on the server side but I want to send in a link in email to the users to unsubscribe from a certain service or approve joining to a service. Is there some way to send the link so that when the user clicks they can automatically subscribe or unsubscribe from a service. I tried sending direct calls to the function but that does not work. Here is my api file :


namespace OCA\App\Controller;

use OCP\IRequest;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse;
use OCP\AppFramework\Controller;

use OCA\App\Service\EorgService;

class EorgApiController extends ApiController {
    /** @var NoteService */
    private $service;

    /** @var string */
    private $userId;

    use Errors;

    public function __construct($appName,
                                IRequest $request,
    EorgService $service,
    $corsMethods = 'PUT, POST, GET, DELETE, PATCH',
    $corsAllowedHeaders = 'Authorization, Content-Type, Accept',
    $corsMaxAge = 1728000,
    $userId) {
    parent::__construct($appName, $request, $corsMethods, $corsAllowedHeaders, $corsMaxAge);
    $this->service = $service;
    $this->userId = $userId;

 * @NoAdminRequired
public function index(): DataResponse {
    return new DataResponse($this->service->findAll());

 * @NoAdminRequired
public function show(int $id): DataResponse {
    return $this->handleNotFound(function () use ($id) {
        return $this->service->find($id);
 public function index(): DataResponse {
    return new DataResponse($this->service->findAll());

 * @NoAdminRequired
public function show(int $id): DataResponse {
    return $this->handleNotFound(function () use ($id) {
        return $this->service->find($id);

 * @NoAdminRequired
public function create(string $uid, string $email, string $organization, int $status): DataResponse {
    return new DataResponse($this->service->create($uid, $email, $organization, $status));

 * @NoAdminRequired
public function update(int $id, string $uid, string $email, string $organization, int $status): DataResponse {
    return $this->handleNotFound(function () use ($id, $uid, $email, $organization) {
        return $this->service->update($id, $uid, $email, $organization, $status);

public function updateOrg(int $id): DataResponse {
    return $this->handleNotFound(function () use ($id) {
        return $this->service->updateOrg($id);

public function deleteOrg(int $id): DataResponse {
    return $this->handleNotFound(function () use ($id) {
        return $this->service->deleteOrg($id);

Now the functions here for updateOrg and deleteOrg are the ones being called to change status in database and are both

POST functions

. Any idea how I can call them from a link ? As calling them will usually redirect them to default url and not show anything. Thank you

Just to get this closed and a clear answer:

You cannot directly indicate a link to be used with any other verb than GET. So you are left with two options:

  1. You use the GET verb and put any parameters in the path or the query string (after ?).
  2. You use a temporary page that will just ask the user Are you sure? or something similar and that will trigger a POST action (button action or JavaScript-based action)

This is nothing related to Nextcloud but a general