Our new Windmill-based app
Wo finde ich diese App? Oder ist die nur fĂŒr kommerzielle Kunden gedacht?
Our new Windmill-based app
Wo finde ich diese App? Oder ist die nur fĂŒr kommerzielle Kunden gedacht?
A five second web search using your string brought me to
Danke fĂŒr die Antwort. Die App ist in meiner App Liste nicht enthalten. Ich habe sie jetzt von Hand installiert. Sie funktioniert aber nicht.
Die Anleitung im Github ist fehlerhaft. Link AppAPI gibt 404
Link âFollow the instructionsâ , Datei nicht vorhanden.
Ich freue mich auf weitere produktive Antworten.
AppAPI ist hier zu finden: AppAPI - Apps - App Store - Nextcloud
Leider ist die Dokumentation noch in Arbeit, aber kann hier eingesehen werden:
Ich habe Windmill als externe App installiert, leider stĂŒrzt Nextcloud beim Start von Windmill jedes mal ab. Nextcloud ist nach dem Klick auf das Windmill Icon nicht mehr erreichbar. Der Server muss dann neu gestartet werden. Die Protokolle geben leider nach meinem VerstĂ€ndnis nichts her:
Fehlersuche no app in context
OCA\LogReader\Controller\LogController::get uses the @AuthorizedAdminSetting annotation and should use the #[OCP\AppFramework\Http\Attribute\AuthorizedAdminSetting] attribute instead
21.10.2024, 16:45:32
Fehlersuche app_api
Can not find translations for flow ExApp.
21.10.2024, 16:45:23
Ist es noch zu frĂŒh oder hat jemand Windmill schon zum Laufen gebracht?
EDIT: I changed the server (2 GB RAM) to one with more RAM (8 GB), now it is working.
Bei uns haben Admin user ein kaputtes Icon in der Appleiste und wenn man darauf klickt lÀdt die App nicht (man sieht nur den NC Hintergrund).
Nicht sicher ob es richtig installiert wurde aber Schritte die ich so durchgefĂŒhrt habe:
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
docker run -e NC_HAPROXY_PASSWORD="some_secure_password" \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
--name nextcloud-appapi-dsp -h nextcloud-appapi-dsp \
--restart unless-stopped --privileged -d ghcr.io/nextcloud/nextcloud-appapi-dsp:release
(change some_secure_password
to group docker
(didnât get it working otherwise using the socket)sudo -u www-data ./occ app:enable webhook_listeners
Things that work:
root@asdf:/home/user1# docker container ls
946a6c505e24 ghcr.io/cloud-py-api/flow:1.0.1 "/bin/sh /ex_app_scrâŠ" 2 hours ago Up 19 minutes nc_app_flow
db1bae955880 ghcr.io/nextcloud/nextcloud-appapi-dsp:release "/bin/bash start.sh" 4 hours ago Up 19 minutes (healthy) nextcloud-appapi-dsp
Things that do not work:
Entschuldigung fĂŒr switchen zwischen Englisch und Deutsch
Mit dem oben habe ich versucht folgende Anleitungen unter einen Hut zu bekommen:
I have now got it to work. Here are some hints, maybe they will help others. I am a beginner, no claim to correctness and completeness.
Sorry I donât really get what you mean. First three steps are clear to me and but the other two steps I cannot follow:
What do you mean with Admin workspace? As an admin user I have to access the Windmill app? Or do you mean the Windmill settings in the Admin account? Can you access the Windmill app at that point already?
I think in my case something with the NGINX config is wrong or the Docker socket proxy config (which is AFAIK derived from Tecnativas and might require some more configuration that is not described in the Nextcloud manuals).
I opened an issue in the Flow app. But currently do not really have the time to work on debugging it further.
Hints are welcome
Yes, at that point I can access the Windmill app. This step is inside the windmill app at the left bar, where you can chose a windmill workspace.
Did you install the Docker Socket Proxy container in your AIO installation by checking the checkbox?
I donât have AIO, itâs a âbaremetalâ manual installation with only Windmill running in the docker
I donât know if the topic is still active, yet I am also facing trouble with the deployment on a Nextcloud Hub 9 (30.0.5) AIO instance.
AppAPI is configured correctly (coming with Nextcloud AIO by default), dpcker ps -a
shows the Docker container for Windmill is up and running, Nextcloud does not show me any errors. Yet, I canât see any button to enter the Flow UI. I have deleted and reinstalled the Flow app several times to no avail.
AppApi is configured as follows:
Name: AIO Docker Socket Proxy
Deplyoment method: docker-install
Daemon host: nextcloud-aio-docker-socket-proxy:2375
Nextcloud URL: https://cloud.our-domain.com
Network: nextcloud-aio
no HAProxy PW
âTest connectionâ shows everything fine, deployment tests run through as well.
Checking the Flow appâs details in the apps menu shows the same data:
Typ: docker-install
Name: docker_aio
Anzeigename: AIO Docker Socket Proxy
GPUs UnterstĂŒtzung: false
Compute-GerÀt: CPU
Do I need to register a separate deploy daemon for setting up Windmill? I have no idea how to debug this, could anyone point me to the correct steps on how to get going?
I have encountered the exact same issue. Evidently, this problem has been around for quite some time. It might be as trivial as needing to specify a port mapping during the flow (windmill) container startup (for example, using -p 8000:8089
), or it could be a more significant matterâbut there seems to be very little discussion on the topic. It would be great if a project maintainer could provide some clarity on this issue.