Nextcloud files client causes high CPU load on Windows 10

using nextcloud for some years now. Since some time, maybe two weeks, I’ve noticed my win10 laptop do continuously run at 4 GHz clock frequency, and tmeperature being way too high (>90 °C). This is caused by the nextcloud files client, since there is the “sync” icon in the taskbar indicating something is being synced about every 5-10 seconds or so. Quitting the nextcloud files client cures this behaviour.

Expected behaviour: Windows 10 client (v 3.15.3) syncing without causing CPU to jump to maximum every 5 sec.

There is a similar thread at, does it match your symptoms?

yes, seems very similar. I’ve managed to get a 800 Mb (!) log out of the nextcloud files client. But can’t find anything useful yet

for me, I’ve found a solution by downgrading the NC desktop client:

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