Nextcloud External Monitoring

Good day Fellow Nextclouders!

First of all I will show my gratitude for the existence of this software! Thank you all future help I will receive from you all :smiley:

I use PRTG to monitor my internal computers and some clients sites. I wish to use PRTG to monitor the disk space on this server. As I have it setup that my file store is stored on separate disk. The normal SSH Disk free space doesn’t seem to see that drive.

So I wanted to use the XML file generated from to get me this information.

But for some reason I keep getting an authentication error when putting my login information on the PRTG side.

Has anyone successfully set this up?

same here…

hope somebody will help us.


You have to authenticate, for instance using curl it would be something like :
curl -k -s -u ‘user:passowrd’

Coming through the same problem I found this thread.
After some research I found a solution just in case someone is still search for it.

curl -k

Happy Monitoring

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Hello guys, I’m new over here, when I issue it by my admin user I got:

bash: +iU: No such file or directory

any idea of that?

thank you