Nextcloud Education App (Android)

Is there a way that the Android app stores only the server address, but not the login name and password? It would be useful for school use where multiple tablets are used by different students. After every start of the app the server should be specified but the query for username and password must be done!

The tablets are used in secondary 1 and 2 at school.
In the course of learning media literacy, the students create z. Eg animated films with the app “Stop Motion Studio”,
or documents “PDF”, photos “JPG” or audio documents “MP3”. After the lesson, they should do so
Media and documents for a possible further work or for the teacher are stored centrally.
This is where the Nextcloud comes into play. The students have their work stored in their own account where they
next time to work on a same, but other tablet with their data. Also, the teacher can
View and evaluate the work on the group folder. With us it is like that after the lesson the data
first be backed up to the Nextcloud and then deleted by the students on the tablet itself!
The tablets are then shut down and turned off. The credentials in the app remain saved. The next
Users of the tablet is immediately after starting the Nextcloud app in the account of its predecessor. Although you could use the Nextcloud app
uninstall but the next user would have to reinstall the app, then the server address, username and password
Reenter. My idea was to use the app as in a network. This means the server address remains stored
but the student simply has to sign in again via username and password. You could also reach it if in the
Nextcloud app only one button “Logout” would be present so that this remains on the device, but only through again
new sign-up connects to the user’s account.