NextCloud Docker & Elastic Search - Outdated Index Problem


I have docker installation of NextCloud 23.0.3 + Elastic Search 7.6, and search yields strange results which seems like outdated Elastic index. How to enable live indexing, or at least, indexing update each hour, for example?

Thanks in advance.

I have run

docker exec --user www-data cloud_app php occ fulltextsearch:test
docker exec --user www-data cloud_app php occ fulltextsearch:check

and there seem to be no problem (logs attached at the bottom).

docker exec --user www-data cloud_app php occ fulltextsearch:index

No problem either. Yet after re-index full text search list is partial and missing many PDF and ODS. Strange enough, some time ago that WORKED.

# docker exec --user www-data cloud_app php occ fulltextsearch:test
.Testing your current setup:  
Creating mocked content provider. ok  
Testing mocked provider: get indexable documents. (2 items) ok  
Loading search platform. (Elasticsearch) ok  
Testing search platform. ok  
Locking process ok  
Removing test. ok  
Pausing 3 seconds 1 2 3 ok  
Initializing index mapping. ok  
Indexing generated documents. ok  
Pausing 3 seconds 1 2 3 ok  
Retreiving content from a big index (license). (size: 32386) ok  
Comparing document with source. ok  
Searching basic keywords:  
 - 'test' (result: 1, expected: ["simple"]) ok  
 - 'document is a simple test' (result: 2, expected: ["simple","license"]) ok  
 - '"document is a test"' (result: 0, expected: []) ok  
 - '"document is a simple test"' (result: 1, expected: ["simple"]) ok  
 - 'document is a simple -test' (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok  
 - 'document is a simple +test' (result: 1, expected: ["simple"]) ok  
 - '-document is a simple test' (result: 0, expected: []) ok  
 - 'document is a simple +test +testing' (result: 1, expected: ["simple"]) ok  
 - 'document is a simple +test -testing' (result: 0, expected: []) ok  
 - 'document is a +simple -test -testing' (result: 0, expected: []) ok  
 - '+document is a simple -test -testing' (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok  
 - 'document is a +simple -license +testing' (result: 1, expected: ["simple"]) ok  
Updating documents access. ok  
Pausing 3 seconds 1 2 3 ok  
Searching with group access rights:  
 - 'license' - [] -  (result: 0, expected: []) ok  
 - 'license' - ["group_1"] -  (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok  
 - 'license' - ["group_1","group_2"] -  (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok  
 - 'license' - ["group_3","group_2"] -  (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok  
 - 'license' - ["group_3"] -  (result: 0, expected: []) ok  
Searching with share rights:  
 - 'license' - notuser -  (result: 0, expected: []) ok  
 - 'license' - user2 -  (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok  
 - 'license' - user3 -  (result: 1, expected: ["license"]) ok  
Removing test. ok  
Unlocking process ok  
# docker exec --user www-data cloud_app php occ fulltextsearch:check
Full text search 23.0.0
- Search Platform:
Elasticsearch 23.0.0 (Selected)
    "elastic_host": [
    "elastic_index": "fts_index",
    "fields_limit": "10000",
    "es_ver_below66": "0",
    "analyzer_tokenizer": "standard"

- Content Providers:
Files 23.0.0
    "files_local": "1",
    "files_external": "0",
    "files_group_folders": "1",
    "files_encrypted": "0",
    "files_federated": "0",
    "files_size": "20",
    "files_pdf": "1",
    "files_office": "1",
    "files_image": "0",
    "files_audio": "0"

Seems like problem with parsing results from Elastic Search.
Anyone know how to fix this?

Exception while improving searchresult: - trace: [{“file”:“/var/www/html/custom_apps/files_fulltextsearch/lib/Service/SearchService.php”,“line”:275,“function”:“getFileFromId”,“class”:“OCA\Files_FullTextSearch\Service\FilesService”,“type”:“->”,“args”:[“alex”,8159]},{“file”:“/var/www/html/custom_apps/files_fulltextsearch/lib/Service/SearchService.php”,“line”:235,“function”:“setDocumentInfo”,“class”:“OCA\Files_FullTextSearch\Service\SearchService”,“type”:“->”,“args”:[{“id”:“8159”,“providerId”:“files”,“access”:{“ownerId”:“”,“viewerId”:“alex”,“users”:,“groups”:,“circles”:,“links”:},“modifiedTime”:0,“title”:“ServiceReports-NS/Done/12_2021/20210020-CarOptima,UAB-_2021-12-08_13-22_2021-12-08_15-49.pdf”,“link”:“”,“index”:null,“source”:“files_local”,“info”: