Nextcloud developement enviroment

I just installed my Nextcloud development environment and receing the following in the browsers

Installing container
Please wait until the server is ready. This page will redirect you to the login once done.


:rotating_light: Could not find a valid Nextcloud source in /var/www/html
Double check your REPO_PATH_SERVER and STABLE_ROOT_PATH environment variables in .env

This is actually something I have done many times. So I do not know where this one is coming from. I have installed this several times but have never encountered this. I do not know what to do, please somebody help me

Sounds like you’re using the one here:
GitHub - juliushaertl/nextcloud-docker-dev: Nextcloud development environment using docker-compose

Post your Docker run command line or Compose and we may be able to help.

Have you checked out the NC server git repository to workspace/server (or workspace/stableXX respective) before starting the containers?

You might want to share the .env file as well as the docker-compose.yml is quite generic and lengthy.