Nextcloud desktop client authentication using saml

I have Installed Nextcloud 25.0.3 and configured app SSO e SAML authentication.
I configured all and I can access nextcloud via web authenticating by my IdP, but when I configure desktop client and I set the nextcloud server, it ask me only for basic authentication, and it doesn’t open a browser windows to the IdP page for auhentication.
I set the “Use SAML autenticathion for Nextcloud client desktop”, but it seems to not be working.

I have to add some other configurations?

Thanks in advance.


hi @steraz welcome to the forum :handshake:

Please use the search - lot of issues have been discussed already

I’m sorry can not tell more about SAML but I’m wondering you say desktop client asks for basic auth… AFAIK for ages it does browser-based login (I think in NC terms it is called flow or browser flow) and opens webbrowser for login where the user can grant access. two of my installations work well with different OpendID Connect (OIDC) providers.

for user_oidc I successfully tested Keycloak, Zitadel and Authentik with user_oidc and Keycloak with other NC apps… and desktop client logged in as well…

Hi @wwe,
I can confirm you that the desktop client asks for basic auth, while it should open a browser page to allow the authentication by my IdP (based on SAML) web page.

The NC browser access works fine, and I can choose to authenticate by my IdP, the problem is the desktop client.

If it was, would it be an issue on github?