Nextcloud Deployment: AIO-VM vs Nextcloud-VM |RancherVM | Reverse-Proxy and VM

Hi, I have two questions.

  1. Is there a difference between AIO-VM and Nextcloud-VM?

  2. The Nextcloud-Download-Page says that the AIO-VM does not work with a reverse Proxy.

  • Hypothetically if AIO-VM/Nexcloud-VM would run via RancherVM in a container. Does anyone know if that would provide Reverse Proxy Support to the containerized Nextcloud-VM installation?

Update 29.08.2023 19:47
While questioning how to separate private and business data, I discovered the following when considering installing two instances.

  • “The normal way is creating multiple VMs, installing AIO in reverse proxy mode in each of them, and having one reverse proxy in front of them that points to each VM”

How is this compatible with the description on Install - Nextcloud which describes:
“E.g. if you want to run AIO behind a reverse proxy, you need to use the docker image as this VM image is not suitable for this use case.”

1. Is it possible to run AIO-VM/Nextcloud-VM with reverse Proxys to access it from outside or not?
2. What is the difference between AIO-VM and Nextcloud-VM

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