Originally published at: https://nextcloud.com/blog/nextcloud-conference-2019-talks-now-online/
Last September, the Nextcloud Conference brought more than 250 people to Berlin to share ideas, collaborate on Nextcloud and meet new friends, colleagues, partners and fellow users. Over 1500 people watched our live stream while made a series of big announcements and we’re happy to announce today that the videos can now easily be watched on our YouTube channel!
Opening keynote with 6 big announcements
Frank’s keynote started big, with a series of announcements! After reminding everyone of the goals and motivations behind Nextcloud and our mission and principles, he announced:
- Nextcloud 17 brings remote wipe, collaborative text editor and next generation secure watermarking
- IBM Spectrum Scale integration in Nextcloud
- Nextcloud is doubling its security bug bounties to USD 10.000
- Virtual data room technology from Nextcloud GmbH
- The introduction of Flow coming in Nextcloud 18
- Nextcloud developer program: work with us!
- Several client releases:
Watch the full keynote here:
Sunday keynote
The Sunday keynote was delivered by the Executive Director of the Smart Citizenship Foundation and international human rights lawyer, Renata Avila. She talked about the fight for a better, fairer and more open internet, digital colonialism and digital sovereignty, wikileaks, surveillance and especially censorship. Censorship is a intangible, arbitrary, unaccountable yet very powerful force on the web and a growing threat.
She made a powerful argument about how vulnerable our systems are to the whims of foreign, especially US companies and what a mistake it was to not deal with this issue over the last decades.
Talks and panels
The opening keynote was followed by Jillian C. York, Director for International Freedom of Expression at the Electronic Frontier Foundation and a fellow at the Center for Internet & Human Rights at the European University Viadrina. She talked about where our society is going when privacy falls apart. After her Markus Feilner gave a funny talk about the importance of good documentation.
Geraldine de Bastion Talked about robots and why open hardware matters for development on Sunday, while Thomas Lohninger called strongly on the audience for more activism for digital rights.
We organized two panels. The first was on Public money – Public code with participants from the Free Software Foundation, Deutscher Bundesjugendring, Open Knowledge Foundation and Nextcloud. We discussed the difficulties of explaining public organizations the benefits of using open source, sharing their code and avoiding the lock-in from proprietary vendors. And we asked – how can you help? The answer might surprise you – so watch the video!
A second panel covered diversity in open source, with Laura Gaetano, Frank Karlitschek, Jessica Green and Princiya Sequiera. Watch it here.
Lightning Talks
Of course, a big part of every Nextcloud conference are the lightning talks. The following talks were given on Saturday:
- 0:00:00 Nextcloud Text – Julius Härtl
- 0:05:39 Nextcloud Android App – Tobias Kaminsky
- 0:10:48 Yunohost OS
- 0:14:34 Google Summer of Code Experience: NextcloudPi
- 0:18:25 Introducing Nextcloud to NGOs
- 0:23:57 Prototype Fund
- 0:29:06 Why the Opensource Center by Atos is developing a business model arounce Nextcloud?
- 0:34:30 IBM Spectrum Scale – Real-time notification to Nextcloud using clustered Watch
- 0:41:04 DICOM Viewer – Medical Imaging in Nextcloud
- 0:44:53 Investigative Cloud
- 0:52:08 How to collaborate on docs within your Nextcloud safely – ONLYOFFICE
Sunday we had the following talks:
- 0:00:00 Nitrokey – Secure your digital life by Jan Suhr
- 0:05:50 Building an accessible laptop with OpenBSD and Nextcloud by Stefan Sperling and Maurice Jones
- 0:13:04 Solid by Mitzi László
- 0:18:07 Usability and Accessibility by Jan C. Borchardt
- 0:24:22 How to make your Nextcloud Storage Quantum Safe by Reiner Meyer-Rössl
- 0:29:19 Univention x Nextcloud by Valentin Heidelberger
- 0:38:50 Installing Nextcloud on your router by Michal Hrusecký
- 0:43:30 Backing up your router to your Nextcloud by Michal Hrusecký
- 0:48:26 Integrating Nextcloud to Sopher, an end-to-end encrypted communication platform by Benjamin Michéle
- 0:54:28 Android Backup over Nextcloud by Ricki Hirner and Bernhard Stockmann
- 1:00:03 Debugging Nextcloud PHP and JS by Julius Härtl
- 1:05:08 Write support for LDAP
- 1:10:05 Collabora Online & Nextcloud by Michael Meeks
- 1:16:36 Desktop Client Login Flow Version 2 by Michael Schuster
- 1:23:42 Virtual Data Rooms and Nextcloud
Thank you for participating!
We know a lot of you would have loved to be there! Stay tuned for next year, we’ll share the news as soon as we have a location fixed. The conference takes place in Berlin every year and we always strive to provide a great program!