Nextcloud client unreliable on Windows (11)

I’ve been using Nextcloud for the longest time, the client seems to be rock solid on Linux and MacOS, however it has become increasingly unreliable on Windows, causing the entire explorer and anything that uses it to hang. It’s still like this on the latest 3.15 and seems to affect some PC’s more then others even if they are exactly the same model.

Is this widespread? Any solutions or an idea if this will get better in the near future?

The Basics

  • Nextcloud Server version (e.g., 29.x.x):
    • 30.0.x
  • Operating system and version (e.g., Ubuntu 24.04):
    • Ubuntu 24.04
  • Web server and version (e.g, Apache 2.4.25):
    • apache2
  • Reverse proxy and version _(e.g. nginx 1.27.2)
    • Nginx
  • PHP version (e.g, 8.3):
    • 8.2

No, cannot confirm such behaviour.

Do you have any detailed information about what is going wrong?
Log files of the client?
Did you analyze processes of your windows machine.

@gvs77 Are you watching the progress of the client sync when it hangs?

You’ll have to be more specific when you say “Unreliable”.

Also, Windows 11 Version 24H2 is known to be very buggy. I noticed some rather odd issues with Windows when I upgraded to that version that 23H2 didn’t have. Been using NextCloud on my Windows PC for at least 3 years now.

May just be Microsoft being Microsoft in this instance…

I am seeing similar problems. I notice it’s especially bad if the NC icon is on my taskbar. In that case every time I wait a few minutes and re-maximize RDP (and sync is running) explorer hangs / crashes / restarts.

Furthermore, and why I showed up here, the NC client just hangs after some number of sync uploads. It uploads some number of files then basically stops and just sits there.

It’s behaving very poorly. There is nothing in my client or server log that shows errors. I’m using Nextcloud AIO and it’s updated to the most recent version. I don’t think it’s the server since, for example, 120 files upload in seconds (across the 1G LAN) and then it simply hangs.

The answer appears to lie in Windows Desktop Client: Uploads 100 files at a time and freezes - :iphone: Desktop & mobile clients / :computer: Desktop - Nextcloud community. One option is to disable bulk uploads. The other option in there is to tinker around with your fastcgi timeouts - ick.