Nextcloud change Server location as Admin

Hello there!

I have set up a nextcloud server in my company as a project.
This server is running on:

  • Debian 10 Buster
  • Apache: Server version: Apache/2.4.38 (Debian)
  • Server version: 10.3.31-MariaDB-0+deb10u1 Debian 10
  • PHP 8.0.17
  • NC Version:

Now my question is, how do I set up as an admin my server location.
When I login as a normal user and press on “privacy” It says:

“Where is your data?
The admin hasn’t selected the location of the server yet.”

Can I change that? Is that because I have no server encryption or no https?
At the moment I am just using http for test reasons. Later on I plan to change to https.

If you need more information, tell me :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance.


The admin can set in in
Settings -> Personal - > Privacy

I think this is the wrong place. Perhaps someone can change it to the administration part.

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OMG, thanks.
I forgot to check the privacy tab on my admin account. Changed that, thank you.
Is there an option to find or change that in my /nextcloud/config/config.php?

I think this is the wrong place. Perhaps someone can change it to the administration part.

Seems to be correct. My url is:

I disabled the Privacy app on my server, because I don’t see the point of it, if I host a server on prem for myself or even for a company. I mean I know where my server is located. It’s in my appartement next to my desk :wink: And I know that I have access to the data, and so does my girlfriend, who’s the only other user :wink:

And in a company, the empoloyes shouldn’t store personal data on company servers anyways, and company data is ownd by the company, and the employees hopefully know that admins have access to the data. Or would you add privacy information to a regular company NAS server or to an on prem Exchange server, that your empolyees have to use in order to do their work?

The situation is of course diffrent if you offer Nextcloud accounts on your server as a service to 3rd parties outside of your company.

I think also in a company the users does not know where data is hosted e.g. emails. Therefore privacy is nice.

You do not need index.php . You can deactive/remove it
'htaccess.RewriteBase' => '/', in config/config.php
sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:update:htaccess
(it then also works with and without index.php)

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Yeah maybe not. But my point is, do they have to know? If they had to know legaly, you would probably include these things in the employment contrac or to your companys work regulations, because most applications don’t offer such a feature. When I open Outlook or mount a NAS share on my company laptop, I don’t see a privacy information tab in Outlook, and there is no text file on the file server, that tells me where this server is located :wink:

Anyways, I agree that it is nice. But I thing it is only needed, if Nextcloud itself is the service you offer. But I’m no legal expert.

Yes. And when i open Windows 365, Outlook with email hosted at Microsoft, Google, Apple there is also no location info. I do not know if GDPR Compliance forces to inform the user about the location of the data. Nextcloud compliance

But I do think that when it comes to security and privacy, you shouldn’t hide where the data is stored. I think you also have no reason to hide it. It would be more honest with the user to publish it

I don’t think that the employees of a company need to know, where exactley the company data is stored. The company itself should probably know and depending on the industry they operate in and the type of data they store, they may even be legally required to know, respectively, they may not be allowed to use a certain service at all, if the servers are located in a foreign country for example. Whether a provider of such services is obliged to disclose it, I don’t know for sure.

One advantage of Nextcloud is that you can host Nextcloud in any location. Why not point this out? Also for family and company.

But mostly you can see the location with the name of the nextcloud:

But the problem is that you must resolve the name and then see the corresponding server/provider and/or ASN for more details. Normal users don’t understand this. They probably don’t care either. And in your Nextcloud, they are not informed.

Yeah sure. I don’t say you shouldn’t use it. I just don’t see it as a necessity for home users or internal usage in a company. There are certainly usecases for it. And if I had an expanded user base on my server, I would probably enable it too :slight_smile:


Let’s summarize. With Nextcloud, it’s actually less important than with other cloud systems. But with Nextcloud, at least you have the option. :wink: Your cloud, your choice. :wink:


Oh cool, thanks. Now my url looks way better :wink:

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