Nextcloud , change deleted files location

I have been running Nextcloud on my orange Pi with Dietpi system for 2-3 Years and everything has worked well since i faced an update problem and my system crashed. then i restored Nextcloud from the backup and somehow many of the files that i added after that backup were deleted. I tried to recover data with some other recovery apps and i pulled out much of the data that was deleted, but i want to prevent situations like this in the future.

The reason why everything crashed is that i went out of storage where my Dietpi system and Nextcloud installation is located.
In my case everything worked from 50GB external partition and Nextcloud used other larger external partitions for file sharing on the same HDD.
I figured out that my main system drive was full of deleted files, because after i delete file on external partition nextcloud move file where system i located.

I understand that i can migrate dietpi and nextcloud on larger partition but its much easier to do 15GB system backup than 150GB or more.

So my question is , is it possible to change the deleted file location directory? for example to use one of hdd partitions just for deleted files and not dump the system partition with deleted files? Many thanks

So my question is , is it possible to change the deleted file location directory?

Not currently AFAIK.

You may want to consider one or more of the following:

  • placing a quota on your user accounts that is equal to the same size as the amount of space you’re comfortable being consumed on that disk (e.g. 40GB or whatever)
  • if you don’t want to use storage quotas, you can set a size (global or per user) for the trash bin with the command occ trashbin:size

That will give the Deleted Items retention job the appropriate information it needs to manage deletion of previously deleted items if your drive space starts running low.[1]

I understand that i can migrate dietpi and nextcloud on larger partition but its much easier to do 15GB system backup than 150GB or more.

Depending on how you do your backups, using the larger drive may not make a difference since you still won’t be consuming the larger amount of space.

[1] Deleted Items (trash bin) — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation

Thanks for your explanation…
Then I will do as you explained… set Trash bin maximum size. Maybe double partition size …

Maybe in future Nextcloud can update that part of application so you can easier manipulate with files on your storage ( this is just suggestion, or something what I would like to see) :slight_smile:

Once again … thanks for quick response and verry clear explanation.