Nextcloud Box - Spinning HD constantly

Hi there,

I got a Nextcloud Box from WD. I managed to set it with a Raspberry PI3. I have set the system in Cron setup.

The problem I have is that the HDD keep spinning all the time. According to some forums that it suppose to spin down automatically after 15 minutes but I keep hearing spinning continuously. I have it almost for 1 month and it has never fully stop and so far I am the only user.

I found some suggestion to use HDpam but seems not installed and no Snap to install.

Is there a way to force to stop spinning in idle? Any suggestions?


double of Spin down USB HDD on Raspberry Pi error
which seems to be solved.

no it isnā€™tā€¦ since youā€™re running a snap-version, right?
so it is more like a double of this one --> Make / allow Nextcloud Box disc sleep / spin down? chron.php? which still needs to be solved.

i guess it could turn out to be a problem since thereā€™s a system cron-job running every 15 min. as long as you donā€™t be able to change this there isnā€™t much hope for spinning it down. at least thatā€™s what iā€™m afraid of

I would try a feature request, either be able to modify it in a way or make intervals larger at night.

Issue 350 raised. Thanks