I’m glad to know it’s possible!
Now, if you can provide me with some direction, or a single site with all the necessary info, I’d be eternally grateful! Here are some (by no means all) of the places I’ve been in search of instructions:
*HowTo:* Install Collabora Online on Ubuntu 16.04. (without Docker!) (thanks to Google Translate)
A little about me – I’ve been an IT professional for 25 years. Network tech, network admin, webmaster, web application developer, and now application development manager. I don’t code or troubleshoot any more (well, any more than necessary for my personal projects), though I’m not completely without skills – dated though they may be. I’m not afraid to dig and “play,” nor am I averse to learning new things – but I’m not into this to learn new skills. I just want to get a system set up for my personal use, preferably with as little hassle as possible.
Oh – and I sincerely appreciate any info, guidance, or direction I can get on this.