Nextcloud Apps missing for update [News, FullTextSearch Tesseract OCR]


I’m running Nextcloud 27.1.1 and want to update to a supported release.

However one instance cannot be updated as the board tells me:

“No compatible version for 28.0.12.” App is News However the News information shows that it is available for V30.
Do i need to update to 28 to 29 to 30 in order to use News again? How can i ensure that other Apps are supported then?

Another instance is on the same release - but tells me Tesseract OCR is not compatible.

I want to ensure that I’m on a stable and up to date release - but how can i proceed?

Is it possible to disable the missing apps, update to e.g. 30 and reenable them again?

The News app does not appear to have a published version for 28 via the app store, but does for 29 and 30. That’s a bit of an unusual situation.

Another instance is on the same release - but tells me Tesseract OCR is not compatible.

I’m not sure the state of this app, but it did come up recently.

Is it possible to disable the missing apps, update to e.g. 30 and reenable them again?

In terms of Server, yes, you can just disable incompatible apps and upgrade (to either v30 or v29 - depending on how aggressive/conservative you want to be). As for re-enabling them, only if either (a) the apps in question have published versions they’ve indicated are compatible with the target version of Server or (b) you’re willing to force enable (I would not recommend this unless you know what you’re doing and why).

Thanks a lot for your answer,

Status of Tesseract OCR still seems to be unclear, hopefully there is time to update it as we have a lot of PDF documents where this app is of great help. Until now i need to stay on 27 as of this issue.

Regarding News: Yes - a little bit “unusual”, as the admin page doesnt show, that there are updates for higher, but not for the next releases. I upgraded to V30 but missed that a requirement is PHP 8.2 while Nextcloud 30 supports 8.1 still - this is quite cumbersome as I have other apps on the same server that are not supported with 8.2 still :frowning:

Would be more valuable to see the whole path of dependencies for all Apps - at least it shows that requirements for Nextcloud are not equal to the requirements of the apps you installed…