Nextcloud android app opens PDF files with OnlyOffice without permission to do so

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The issue you are facing: If I open a pdf file in the Nextcloud android app, the error message “The documentType parameter for the config object is invalid. Please correct it.” shows up. I know that this issue with OnlyOffice is well known and the solution is to deactivate pdf viewing in the OnlyOffice settings. For desktop, this works fine. But in the nextcloud app, pdf files are still opened in OnlyOffice and I cant deactivate that.

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N): No

Steps to replicate it:

Open a pdf file in the nextcloud android app with installed OnlyOffice-app but deactivated pdf viewing functionality.

Is this a bug from OnlyOffice or does anybody know a workaround. Thanks a lot for your help!

I have the same issue. Sending this message to keep the topic alive/ so that the topic doesn’t automatically close early.

Same for me… no problem opening pdf files from a browser though,only from the NC files android client.

And no problem opening attached pdf files in conversations from the Talk android app