indicates, that there is an issue with the security token. This token is some security token you can define to forbid others to use your onlyoffice server. So you define some kind of password which then needs to be entered and sent by every server who tries to use your Onlyoffice server.
In Nextcloud as admin user (in admin settings) you can define this token here:
Okay, that seemed to fix the issue with the secret and the next step is performed. Unfortunately, I’m stuck at that point as well and opened another thread for it:
it’s not (yet) working with selfsigned certificates.
but you can setup nc & onlyoffice in 20min with three lines on your cli.
(+ some changes in the inventory file. see readme.)
don’t run this on your existing server. that wouldn’t work. for sure. @ your own risk.
I don’t use docker but I do run OnlyOffice and Nextcloud on the same hardware. If you can’t get this to work then maybe my preferred option is worth evaluating: I use LXC, which is Ubuntu’s built-in container hypervisor. So I run two seperate LXC instances on my physical server, and they both work flawlessly (until I break them, usually with an update or something). I connect via Letsencrypt SSL certs which are free and I couldn’t be happier with the performance.
However, if you have never used LXC it’s something new to learn… Basically it’s like Docker but different - and almost certainly much faster, as LXC runs at near metal speed. If all else fails, try LXC…?