Nextcloud AIO vs mailcow Snappymail works, mailapp fails (2)

I am a little bit further. Snappymail can be configured to check or not check the cert.

Mailapp is not able to do that, seems allready disabled, but still fails:

‘mail_smtpdebug’ => true,
‘mail_smtpstreamoptions’ =>
array (
‘ssl’ =>
array (
‘allow_self_signed’ => true,
‘verify_peer’ => false,
‘verify_peer_name’ => false,

After a night effortless checking, rebooting, I am done.

What makes these clients different in handling traffic? Is Snappymail handling internally from container to container and is Mailapp handling traffic threw the browser connecting to the container from the outside?
I’m puzzled, missing the info to debug this (mail debugging activated, NC in debug mode, but no logging info that seems to give a trail…
later more…

I have found the cause. Traefik is maintaining the certs and postfix as a result is not having proper certs anymore (hence the role of traffic). I can connect directly to postfix, but via Traefik fails (all within the same docker instance).
So it looks like if I am able to connect to Traefik or am able to share (and convert) the certs to postfix, I am able to send mail using mail. I might be able to create local certs as another solution.
In this case verification of certs is not needed, as traffic flows internally. So it might come in useful to have the option not to verify the certs (where this in normal traffic is a healthy functionality). Also more output is welcome in debug mode in the mail app.

I will report back when this is completely solved.,

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I have it working, as mentioned the certs had to be transferred to the apps behind Traefik and after some tinkering, I have this working.

So this was a difficult journey, taking a very stubbern Roelof and finally the logging of the mailserver, the mail app should also notice the problem, but fails to report this.

So two wishes remain:

  • Mail logging better what it can’t do (at least I could not find it)
  • In docker environments it should be possible not to verify certs (option is not available, this made the difference with Snappymail which does support this)

Best to report this to GitHub · Where software is built if not already done as the developers of the mail app are not reading here afaik.

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I made a feature request, check!