Nextcloud AIO reset internal server error

After following the guide to reset my Nextcloud AIO 29 on Unraid 6.12.11 the installation went fine and the admin page shows all containers have started and have green buttons beside but I get an internal server error when I try to open with my domain name. No other info other than the above message on a black page. The Nextcloud log shows the following error:

Failed to fetch discovery endpoint from
Server error: `GET` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response:
Internal Server Error

Does anyone know how to fix this? The server was given a letsencrypt cert and all of my other subdomains resolve through Traefik

Hi, see Internal Server Error · nextcloud/all-in-one · Discussion #4745 · GitHub

Thanks for your reply. It was actually a Traefik config error. I used https instead of http. It works perfectly now

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