Nextcloud AIO not working on Kubernetes

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Sorry to hear you’re facing problems. :slightly_frowning_face:

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If you’re using Nextcloud in a business/critical setting, paid and SLA-based support services can be accessed via where Nextcloud engineers can help ensure your business keeps running smoothly.

Getting help

In order to help you as efficiently (and quickly!) as possible, please fill in as much of the below requested information as you can.

Before clicking submit: Please check if your query is already addressed via the following resources:

(Utilizing these existing resources is typically faster. It also helps reduce the load on our generous volunteers while elevating the signal to noise ratio of the forums otherwise arising from the same queries being posted repeatedly).

Some or all of the below information will be requested if it isn’t supplied; for fastest response please provide as much as you can. :heart:

The Basics

  • Operating system and version (e.g., Ubuntu 24.04):
    • AlpineLinux 3.21 (kernel 5.14)
  • Installation method (e.g. AlO, NCP, Bare Metal/Archive, etc.)
    • k8s (AIO)
  • Are you using CloudfIare, mod_security, or similar? (Yes / No)
    • No

Summary of the issue you are facing:

Nextcloud AIO install on Kubernetes did’t work

Steps to replicate it (hint: details matter!):

  1. Install Nextcloud by instruction: all-in-one/nextcloud-aio-helm-chart at main · nextcloud/all-in-one · GitHub
  2. Try check to work
  3. Nothing

Web server / Reverse Proxy

On pod nexctloud-aio-apache:

Error: loading initial config: loading new config: http app module: start: listening on :443: listen tcp :443: bind: permission denied



values.yaml (exclude block with password):

CLAMAV_ENABLED: "no"          # Setting this to "yes" (with quotes) enables the option in Nextcloud automatically.
COLLABORA_ENABLED: "no"          # Setting this to "yes" (with quotes) enables the option in Nextcloud automatically.
FULLTEXTSEARCH_ENABLED: "no"          # Setting this to "yes" (with quotes) enables the option in Nextcloud automatically.
IMAGINARY_ENABLED: "no"          # Setting this to "yes" (with quotes) enables the option in Nextcloud automatically.
ONLYOFFICE_ENABLED: "no"          # Setting this to "yes" (with quotes) enables the option in Nextcloud automatically.
TALK_ENABLED: "no"          # Setting this to "yes" (with quotes) enables the option in Nextcloud automatically.
TALK_RECORDING_ENABLED: "no"          # Setting this to "yes" (with quotes) enables the option in Nextcloud automatically.
WHITEBOARD_ENABLED: "no"          # Setting this to "yes" (with quotes) enables the option in Nextcloud automatically.

APACHE_MAX_SIZE: "17179869184"          # This needs to be an integer and in sync with NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT
APACHE_PORT: 443          # Changing this to a different value than 443 will allow you to run it behind a web server or reverse proxy (like Apache, Nginx, Caddy, Cloudflare Tunnel and else).
ADDITIONAL_COLLABORA_OPTIONS: ['--o:security.seccomp=true']          # You can add additional collabora options here by using the array syntax.
COLLABORA_DICTIONARIES: de_DE en_GB en_US es_ES fr_FR it nl pt_BR pt_PT ru        # You can change this in order to enable other dictionaries for collabora
FULLTEXTSEARCH_JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xms512M -Xmx512M          # Allows to adjust the fulltextsearch java options.
INSTALL_LATEST_MAJOR: no       # Setting this to yes will install the latest Major Nextcloud version upon the first installation
NEXTCLOUD_ADDITIONAL_APKS: imagemagick        # This allows to add additional packages to the Nextcloud container permanently. Default is imagemagick but can be overwritten by modifying this value.
NEXTCLOUD_ADDITIONAL_PHP_EXTENSIONS: imagick        # This allows to add additional php extensions to the Nextcloud container permanently. Default is imagick but can be overwritten by modifying this value.
NEXTCLOUD_MAX_TIME: 3600          # This allows to change the upload time limit of the Nextcloud container
NEXTCLOUD_MEMORY_LIMIT: 512M          # This allows to change the PHP memory limit of the Nextcloud container
NEXTCLOUD_STARTUP_APPS: deck twofactor_totp tasks calendar contacts notes        # Allows to modify the Nextcloud apps that are installed on starting AIO the first time
NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_CACERTS_DIR:        # Setting this to any value allows to automatically import root certificates into the Nextcloud container
NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT: 16G          # This allows to change the upload limit of the Nextcloud container
REMOVE_DISABLED_APPS: yes        # Setting this to no keep Nextcloud apps that are disabled via their switch and not uninstall them if they should be installed in Nextcloud.
TALK_PORT: 3478          # This allows to adjust the port that the talk container is using. It should be set to something higher than 1024! Otherwise it might not work!
UPDATE_NEXTCLOUD_APPS: no          # When setting to yes (with quotes), it will automatically update all installed Nextcloud apps upon container startup on saturdays.

STORAGE_CLASS: csi-ceph-ssd-ms1       # By setting this, you can adjust the storage class for your volumes
APACHE_STORAGE_SIZE: 1Gi       # You can change the size of the apache volume that default to 1Gi with this value
CLAMAV_STORAGE_SIZE: 1Gi       # You can change the size of the clamav volume that default to 1Gi with this value
DATABASE_STORAGE_SIZE: 1Gi       # You can change the size of the database volume that default to 1Gi with this value
DATABASE_DUMP_STORAGE_SIZE: 1Gi       # You can change the size of the database-dump volume that default to 1Gi with this value
ELASTICSEARCH_STORAGE_SIZE: 1Gi       # You can change the size of the elasticsearch volume that default to 1Gi with this value
NEXTCLOUD_STORAGE_SIZE: 5Gi       # You can change the size of the nextcloud volume that default to 1Gi with this value
NEXTCLOUD_DATA_STORAGE_SIZE: 5Gi       # You can change the size of the nextcloud-data volume that default to 1Gi with this value
NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_CACERTS_STORAGE_SIZE: 1Gi       # You can change the size of the nextcloud-trusted-cacerts volume that default to 1Gi with this value
ONLYOFFICE_STORAGE_SIZE: 1Gi       # You can change the size of the onlyoffice volume that default to 1Gi with this value
REDIS_STORAGE_SIZE: 1Gi       # You can change the size of the redis volume that default to 1Gi with this value
TALK_RECORDING_STORAGE_SIZE: 1Gi       # You can change the size of the talk-recording volume that default to 1Gi with this value

NAMESPACE: nextcloud-aio        # By changing this, you can adjust the namespace of the installation which allows to install multiple instances on one kubernetes cluster
NAMESPACE_DISABLED: "yes"        # By setting this to "yes", you can disabled the creation of the namespace so that you can use a pre-created one
NETWORK_POLICY_ENABLED: "no"        # By setting this to "yes", you can enable a network policy that limits network access to the same namespace. Except the Web server service which is reachable from all endpoints.
SUBSCRIPTION_KEY:        # This allows to set the Nextcloud Enterprise key via ENV
SERVERINFO_TOKEN:        # This allows to set the serverinfo app token for monitoring your Nextcloud via the serverinfo app
APPS_ALLOWLIST:        # This allows to configure allowed apps that will be shown in Nextcloud's Appstore. You need to enter the app-IDs of the apps here and separate them with spaces. E.g. 'files richdocuments'
ADDITIONAL_TRUSTED_PROXY:        # Allows to add one additional ip-address to Nextcloud's trusted proxies and to the Office WOPI-allowlist automatically. Set it e.g. like this: 'your.public.ip-address'. You can also use an ip-range here.
ADDITIONAL_TRUSTED_DOMAIN:        # Allows to add one domain to Nextcloud's trusted domains and also generates a certificate automatically for it
NEXTCLOUD_DEFAULT_QUOTA: "10 GB"       # Allows to adjust the default quota that will be taken into account in Nextcloud for new users. Setting it to "unlimited" will set it to unlimited
NEXTCLOUD_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW:        # Allows to define the maintenance window for Nextcloud. See for possible values
SMTP_HOST:        # (empty by default): The hostname of the SMTP server.
SMTP_SECURE:         # (empty by default): Set to 'ssl' to use SSL, or 'tls' to use STARTTLS.
SMTP_PORT:         # (default: '465' for SSL and '25' for non-secure connections): Optional port for the SMTP connection. Use '587' for an alternative port for STARTTLS.
SMTP_AUTHTYPE:         # (default: 'LOGIN'): The method used for authentication. Use 'PLAIN' if no authentication or STARTLS is required.
SMTP_NAME:         # (empty by default): The username for the authentication.
SMTP_PASSWORD:         # (empty by default): The password for the authentication.
MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS:         # (not set by default): Set the local-part for the 'from' field in the emails sent by Nextcloud.
MAIL_DOMAIN:         # (not set by default): Set a different domain for the emails than the domain where Nextcloud is installed.
TALK_MAX_STREAM_BITRATE: "1048576"         # This allows to adjust the max stream bitrate of the talk hpb
TALK_MAX_SCREEN_BITRATE: "2097152"         # This allows to adjust the max stream bitrate of the talk hpb
