Nextcloud 30 (Hub 9) errors

I should know better but 29.0.7 was kicking-up some errors so figured the 30.0.0 couldn’t be much worse. Any ideas appreciated. (Debian 12.x Apache)

Setup issues remaining after some clean-up are:

  • Your webserver is not set up to serve files. Without these files, JavaScript Source Maps won’t function properly, making it more challenging to troubleshoot and debug any issues that may arise.

  • Unable to run check for JavaScript support. Please remedy or confirm manually if your webserver serves .mjs files using the JavaScript MIME type. To allow this check to run you have to make sure that your Web server can connect to itself. Therefore it must be able to resolve and connect to at least one of its trusted_domains or the overwrite.cli.url. This failure may be the result of a server-side DNS mismatch or outbound firewall rule.

  • Could not check that your web server serves security headers correctly, unable to query /cloud/heartbeat For more details see the documentation :arrow_upper_right: (except it doesn’t)

(Not an attack on you! Only to clarify)

Have you followed the Apache Web server configuration section in the Admin manual?


Thanks. I will check. All other typical references where not helpful before I posted. I’ve been running OwnCloud and Nextcloud for many many years. Love it and just now dealing with more errors then expected. Thank you.

Ah - so yes, nothing on that Apache config page addresses any of these errors or additional configs one now needs to make with 29.07 and 30.

Here is an example - and again, someone out there if I am missing something please …

" * Could not check that your web server serves security headers correctly, unable to query /cloud/heartbeat For more details see the [documentation :arrow_upper_right:]

and “Documentation” link goes here >> Hardening and security guidance — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation

Which has no reference at all to /cloud/heartbeat all the other options have been addressed.

Hey, if 30 was just pushed out fast and loose, okay - my bad for jumping on it.