Nextcloud 24 VM, Ubuntu 22.04, PHP 8.1

Go to GitHub and check for issues. If nothing is related to make apps ready for v24 please file one for each app. Now I pushed you :smile:

Is it possible to update from v23 ? Or, for now, only installing from scratch ?

Either is fine.

Has anyone managed to get NC Talk to work for voice calls?
It never used to connect calls but last week suddenly one call connected and quality was excellent. One day later connection stopped again completely.

You’re talkin pretty much to a noob here. Ha
I kinda looked around. I didn’t see anything relating to Cookbook, Music, Plain text editor, and Link Editor. To this noob, the git looked rather daunting and I didn’t want to mess things up

Ok, I will guide you for one app.
I choose first one cookbook.

  1. Goto app store page of the app. Here it is
  2. See resources section and choose homepage link. Here it is GitHub - nextcloud/cookbook: 🍲 A library for all your recipes
  3. Now you are at GitHub and you need to login (create an account first) and select “Issues” (Issues · nextcloud/cookbook · GitHub)
  4. Before filing a new issue please check for existing issues about your topic.
  5. Voilà there is one already: Please add compatibility with NC24 ¡ Issue #975 ¡ nextcloud/cookbook ¡ GitHub
  6. Vote at first posting to show the developers the importance of your issue.

Same steps are valid for every other app.

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btw…Along with being a noob I’m a pretty good beta tester. I can break anything1 Ha.


Talk is currently working in the VM version, but not in the scripted version.

We need to fix or disable DHparams to make it work again.

Thanks for your reply. How can I see qhich version I am using?

If you run ‘lsb_release’ from your CLI you should see if it’s Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04.

20.04 = Talk works.
22.04 = Talk doesn’t work until we fixed it.

Update from existing server does not seem to work. When I run the script, at first check, I have the error
“apache2 is installed, it must be a clean server”

A fresh install means it needs to be a clean server.

Please download Ubuntu 22.04 Server. Install that, and then run the script according to the instructions above.

Did a fresh install today. Everything looks fine except a security scan gave an A not A+. One thing shows as missing under Setup:

The X-Download-Options response header instructs Internet Explorer not to open the file directly but to offer it for download first. This mitigates some potential Social Engineering attacks.

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Thanks, I know what fresh install means. I did not understood the answer corectly. But I will pass on this one. I will wait to be able to update from my server, I hope to do not need to reinstall everything.

There shouldn’t be any issues as long as the update is done correctly. :+1:t2:

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I upgraded ubuntu-server from 20.04.4 to point release 22.04.1 shipped uppon 11th august 2022.

With ubuntu-server PHP 8.1 became default so i switched from 8.0 to 8.1.

Working good so far, remarked a good perfromance win by using unix socket for PHP, Redis and PostgreSQL instead of TCP connection!!
If anyone want’s to switch as well - here is a very good explanation
→ Nextcloud Unix-Socket Kommunikation (Ubuntu 22.04/Debian12) - Carsten Rieger IT-Services

Little surprise → the updater of ubuntu-server killed coturn!
There is no release candidate for coturn after upgrading to 22.04.1
For those who need turnserver support e.g. using the nextcloud talk app you have to re-install coturn by using another PPA e.g. this one

→ How to install Coturn (TURN / STUN Server) in Ubuntu 22.04 via PPA | UbuntuHandbook

I need coturn for matrix-synapse and jitsi-meet!!

My log file contains some errors since PHP 8.1 concerning

Error: getimagesize(): Corrupt JPEG data: XX extraneous bytes before marker at /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/legacy/OC_Image.php#668


ImagickException: Failed to read the file

all prerequisites for PHP are installed. Installed all pakages for php8.1* as well as before for php8.0*

Never the less using the unix socket the nextcloud 24 is running very fast (VM on an ESXi 7 Host System)


We already use the best of the best in the VM. So no need to change if you come from an older version (e.g. 20.04).

Glad it all works well!

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