Nextcloud 23.0.1 breaks Collabora online?

I have just upgraded my Nextcloud from 23.0 to 23.0.1. This update has broken the built-in Collabora Online for me.

The apps for Collabora Online and the Built-in CODE Server are the latest versions ( 5.0.1 and 21.11.103). They also were not changed during the update.

Before the upgrade everything was working fine and clicking on an odt or ods file opened the build-in collabora for editing. Now it instantly opens the dialog of my Firefox for saving the file.

The “Nextcloud Office” settings say that the Built-in CODE Server is reachable.

Anybody having similar problems?

Hi @Whiskydrinker

Switch to “Use your own server” in the “Nextcloud Office” settings, hit “Save” and wait untill it switches back to “Built-in server”. If it doesn’t switch back automatically, choose the “Built-in Server” manually and hit “Save” again. After I did that on my test instance, it was working again. Hope that helps…

This has worked for me. I set the server to the public demo server in Ireland, opened a pointless test spreadsheet afterwards and the online office opened again.
Set the server back to bulit-in afterwards and it’s working again as it was before the upgrade.

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It seemed to have solved it also for me !

Edit: it solved it for some some but oddly not for all documents ???!!!???