Nextcloud 19 Beta 6 delayed?

Was scheduled to be released yesterday…

It’s available at:

I guess there is no announcement yet because it’s public holiday in Germany.

Thank you.

The next beta showed up, but it is Beta 7…?! And bombs when updating…

Bombed on my test instance from beta5 upgrade on Debian 10.

I fixed this problem on stable release with:

sudo -u www-data php updater.phar

Part " Using the command line based updater":

This morning everything went seamless.

I like the passwordless login (log in with a device) but am puzzled as to its use cases…

I can take a Yubikey FIDO2 USB key and enroll it as a WebAuthn device.
In this case you won’t be asked for your password when logging in (passwordless).
In other words, the key plays the role of the password…

The same USB key can be enrolled as a second factor device. At the same time(!)…
And when logging in normally (username/password) it will ask for it…

Interestingly, if you enroll your USB key twice (per above) and try to login passwordless it will ask for the FIDO2 key twice: first as a password, then as a second factor…