Nextcloud 12.0.4 is here, time to upgrade!


The updater first threw a PHP error, then said “no migration path”.

I successfully migrated by installing the entire NC software and updating then.


I would think it is more likely to migrate from an older version, because it is better known to the NC developers than the one that was only released some days ago.

I have The (web) upgrade tool says it can not find the migration path and indicates version 10.0.2.

For people migrating from ownCloud, it should work for ownCloud (don’t update to ownCloud 10.0.4, this is not supported):

If you still have problems, please open a bug report or use the above to report the problem. Don’t forget to post details of your setup (config.php) and the exact version string. And how you tried to migrate.

I upgraded to 0C and nextcloud still doesn’t find a migration path/update.

I’ve appended the updater logs to the (closed) ticket above.

still no guests app on the new NC version via apps, anyone know when its coming out?

I’m upgrading from 12.0.3 and the updater throws an error as soon as it begins:

Check for expected files
The following extra files have been found:

There is no other info available and nothing relevant in the log. Any one else see this error? Any suggestions?

Check your installation and see if that file or folder is in there. The upgrader doesn’t like finding files or filers which are not part of the nextcloud distribution. If it is there, move it elsewhere and try again.

Upgrades from 10.0.x should work now again.