For couple of weeks im trying to intsall Nextcloud AIO but still having issues to get the login page after i enter my domain. Its just blank page, but I got valid Letsencrypt certificate.
I have followed this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4OEt3cdDVk
where my Compose file is:
docker run ^
–init ^
–sig-proxy=false ^
–name nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer ^
–restart always ^
–publish 8383:8080 ^
–volume nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer:/mnt/docker-aio-config ^
–volume //var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro ^
–env NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR=nextcloud_aio_nextcloud_datadir ^
–env APACHE_PORT=11000 ^
I have tried different options including skip domain validation and still nothing.
My setup is as follow:
Nextcloud AIO is installed in Docker container on Windows 11 device. This device is connected to my Opnsense router where CADDY reverse plugin is installed. Caddy is using recommended config on nextcloud with reverse proxy.
Apache logs:
Caddy reverse proxy configured in the OpnSense:
I have also followed this: all-in-one/reverse-proxy.md at main · nextcloud/all-in-one · GitHub
but still no luck just getting blank white page. (i can access the config page)
Hi, have you already tried a different browser like e.g. chrome or firefox?
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Hello @freocube and welcome to the communityforum of NC.
By all respect… the videotutorial you’re linking here is more than 30 minutes long. I really doubt that anyone will spend that extra time to go through this tutorial, I’m afraid.
Maybe you want to ask the video-publisher for support?
Or since it seems that you’re at the beginning of setting up your own nextcloud… why don’t you start anew with the offical guide? it’s pretty detailled and you already found the right guthub-page of it.
Apart from that: maybe you’re gonna find someone helping you fix your setup so far.
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might it be possible for you to test using a simple nginx or apache2 conf? just to see where the problem lies, do a simple
server {
listen 8080;
server_name domain.com;
location / {
proxy_pass; #this is where the internal ip followed by 11000.
in nginx. IF IT IS POSSIBLE THAT IS, i have not use opnsense yet, but try nginx and see if it works, maybe you want to use it instead. though this might not fix the problem its worth for testing i suppose.
I have tried different browser or different device and the same…
I see that Im hitting the Nextcloud AIO as I see this from CAddy reverse proxy log:
I have tried with nginx and all OK without any issue… There must be something specific for Caddy…
Is there any URL rewrite for the reverse proxy like “/nextclou” or other URL headers which should configure because for nginx I haven’t set any URL path rewrite and I got the login screen