News App not updating feeds

I had it set up to run a systemd timer as per but it stopped working today. I don’t know what would have triggered it, but I did change my Nextcloud password and restart my server around that time. Under the “Basic Settings” menu, it shows the job running every 15 minutes as it should, and in the News settings, “Use system cron for updates” is checked. I tried manually running cron.php with sudo -u http php -f cron.php but it didn’t update the feeds either. I looked at the documentation for feeds not updating on the news app Github, but it doesn’t say anything about systemd timers.

Ok, I think I just fixed it by following the documentation and changing the reserved_at field of the OCA\News\Cron\Updater in the oc_jobs table in the database. Does anyone knows what causes it to get changed in the first place so I can avoid this in the future?